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He went after my breasts, blows landing on nipples, on the sides, underneath. He spared nothing. He used his muscle. He left me sweating and hanging from the bonds. My face was wet. I no longer knew or cared if I was crying or if that was all sweat.

He jumped from the bed, leaving the straps behind, and moved behind me. Yanking my head back by the hair, he lengthened my neck, pulling my head back taut, then kissed the length of it, ending at my mouth. "Not much more," he whispered. "You're doing good."

Then he brought out the cane.

He called it a dragon cane. It was thick and thudded rather than being springy. It bruised. It left a heavy print, the railroad tracks of a cane with two marks surrounding equally angry flesh. They struck, thudded hard with impact and pain, waited a minute and released the very worst stinging angry deep and aching pain imaginable.

If I could have run, I would have, no matter what the consequences.

"Six," Sir said, and I started to scream.

He didn't choose sides. He hit directly across the middle of my ass, one strike below the other until he reached my thighs. That was four. Four more followed on my legs.

When he finished I was shivering, nauseated and half out of my head in a bad way.

Half out of my head in a good way. A way I didn't want to think about too much.

My legs burned and ached and stung like I stood in a hornet's nest. My ass felt the way I did when I'd been slugged particularly hard, missed a block and caught a punch with some part of my anatomy while sparring. My back felt hot, the skin still prickling around where the crop had hit.

And my breasts? They wanted him to lick and suck them. They wanted him to slap them with his hands or hit them with a slapper, a paddle. They wanted him to twist nipples, squeeze and pinch.

I wasn't finished. What was wrong with me? Cole had just put me through hell and part of me liked it.

When I'd been with my fiancé, my ex-fiancé now, I'd always wanted something more than what he gave me, and I was always thrilled those times he'd pin my arms over my head and hold me down. As if I couldn't break his grip. As if I were at his mercy and he could do anything he wanted to my naked body.

Now I was in that situation. Cole had hurt me. I'd have small cuts on my ass and legs and deep bruising.

And I wanted more and after more I wanted him to fuck me.

But he had left the room, turning the lights down and letting me hang by my wrists, drifting. Part of me panicked. Part of me didn't give a shit about anything enough to panic.

And part of me knew whatever it looked like, Cole would never leave me hanging there.

A moment later I heard him in the bathroom that was just inside my cell. My suite. My room. I giggled stupidly. My rabbit warren. My subspace.

That part made me laugh out loud.

"Something funny?" Cole asked. He'd returned and I could hear water splashing somewhere beyond him. He was drawing a bath.

Oh. After care.

I'm not done yet.

He knelt at my feet. "I asked you a question."

I muddled my way through the cotton batting in my head. He'd asked me if something was funny. "Yes." That made me laugh, too.

I could hear the smile in his voice though he tried to hide it. He unbound my other foot and stood to carefully release my arms, holding me to him as he unlaced the second binding. The instant it let go I was a ragdoll in his arms. He scooped me up like I weighed nothing and carried me into the bathroom.

"Annie. Focus. What was funny?"

He was drawing me back. I didn't think he actually cared that much about what I'd found funny. He was trying to make me focus on something to bring me out of the headspace I was in. I didn't want to be in that weird twilight realm and I didn't want him calling me back, either. I didn't want him to touch me and I definitely didn't want him to fuck me. Not yet. I wasn't done, damn it.

Cole lowered me into the hot water and I yelped, tried to claw my way back out of it by digging my nails into his naked torso. When had he taken off his shirt? Damn, the water was hot. I tried to climb out. I tried to climb him.

"It'll only feel hot for a minute. Relax, Annie, you're not in any danger."

"What was funny," I said, panting a little at the heat of the water. "Was that I couldn't think of a name for this room."

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