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I thought for a minute, eyes flicking up to the left as I marshalled my thoughts. "Okay. He automatically assumed they'd come when he called. They'd take the time he told them to take. And they'd do what he said when they arrived. To me that means there's someone else over him. Someone who has given him a lot of leeway. Want to try out the merchandise? Enjoy yourself." I shrugged. "If it was him at the top there'd be more trepidation. He'd need to make sure they were outside the door maybe. Or he'd run my ID before starting. Or he'd have been damned sure who was coming in to see him and was she insanely dressed for sex."

His lips quirked at that one and it made me glad. Nice to know he still had a sense of humor.

"It's important there's someone beyond him, probably a whole organization of someones because that means there's still a network in place."

I'd lost him for a second. "You want there to be a system?"

I nodded, very aware I can't use my hands to gesture. I felt like asking to be cut loose. Like okay, you've had your fun, but this is grownup stuff now, serious stuff, let's start working.

I didn't do anything like that. So didn't need another trip to the woodshed.

Though the thing I just did, not with the judge but my solo celebration afterward, made me wonder if I wasn't setting myself up to get what I got.

Not that I liked having Barry as part of it. Was that one of the things I wouldn't change if I could?

"You're in subspace," Cole said quietly. "Come back to earth. It's time to concentrate."

I snorted a laugh he couldn't possibly have understood and then clamped down on the floaty silly part of me that was thinking inappropriate thoughts about the man who just hurt me and the implement now lying between my wet thighs that he'd used.

"I need to find any other judges who have signed off on warrants and raids like what we went through. James knew about Conway, but where there's one viper, there's usually a nest. Then I have to find a way to get myself to him. Seems like the college girl thing would be a little too coincidental."

"Not like security isn't going to talk. They'll be looking for you."

I started to shrug, feeling invulnerable after a career of not getting caught, then stopped. I'd told them I was prelaw but that was still usually within the criminal justice majors. I'd have to watch myself. It's one thing to want to get snared in a trafficking ring. It's another thing entirely to get snared in a traffic ring when you're not ready.

That stupid sentiment was almost enough to start me laughing again. If I'd been planning something with PD, it would have, because everyone around me would have gotten it.

The way Cole was watching me I didn't think he would. Even more than that, I was a little concerned with the look of concern on his face.

Don't fall for me, I thought, wildly and unexpectedly. Don't even think about it.

I had no proof and it was arrogant and it was heartfelt and it was probably based on how I –

Didn't feel about him. Wouldn't. Don't even think Cole and relationship in the same sentence. Hadn't I told myself that?

When did I ever listen to me?

"If that doesn't work for a way in, we can find someone on Metro PD –" I glanced at him and he nodded.

"I've got a couple people."

Of course he did. "We check for missing persons. All cities this size have girls go missing. We look for those girls who have gone missing that have records of petty crimes. Shoplifting. Panhandling. Prostitution within city limits. And see if there's a pattern of judges they've gone in front of. There are probably enough judges that it rotates between those who hear such cases. But if there's a preponderance of those who have disappeared who went in front of a specific judge?" I shrugged and this time it was very obvious Cole did get it.

"Why wouldn't they check?"

"Who?" My wrists were starting to itch under the hard plastic. I shifted around trying to make them stop burning and Cole got up without seeming to pay attention to his own actions and fetched a knife from his desk. "Why doesn't the court system run their own internal checks?" He was standing behind me but instead of cutting me loose, he reached down and ran the tip of the knife over my breasts. My breathing became extremely shallow suddenly. I was glad the handle of the crop wasn't touching me. I didn't need to humiliate myself further.

Though apparently I had. Because Cole laughed and said, "They're hard as rocks. And you're turning very pink." Then he cut my wrists free. "I can guess what happens after that, but walk me through it."

I rubbed my hands over the marks on my wrists and tried to overcome the need to instantly cross my arms over my chest. "I do whatever I have to in order to get myself in front of one of those judges. It will suck if it turns out he's a caring concerned judge who actually has a way about him that turns girls straight."

It was Cole's turn to scoff. "It will be a miracle if that's the case. So you go in front of the judge and he says There's two ways out of this, little lady?"

I blinked at him. "Um, no. He doesn't start talking like a bad porn western."

Cole laughed. It was the first honest laugh I'd heard from him in a while. I liked it.

"No. I go in front of him and best bet is he gives me a slap on the wrist. Maybe overnight in a cell. Then he calls me in front of him, big lecture time or cut you a deal time because you seem like a nice girl who just needs a break so she can get her life together."

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