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I'd forgotten how good looking he is.

That seemed unfair. He was tall, with dark blond hair, piercing eyes, those long, lean limbs that heavily muscled, tall guys have. When he moved, it was with the grace of a big cat. He prowled more than walked.

Everything he did was imbued with menace. I should have been immune to his games but I shuddered when he came near me. I'd spent months with Jesse. I'd had sex with him and once or twice he'd made love to me. He'd bitten me and hit me. He'd screamed at me and threatened to do far worse.

Far worse would have been automatic if my cover had been blown. As well as being a danger to Jesse's multimillion dollar business, I'd have made a fool of him. That wouldn't have been tolerated. If he hadn't taken me out, one of his soldiers would have. Jesse probably wouldn't even have executed him for it.

Nothing about Jesse affected me like this man. Cole St. Martin prowled. His strength was both the physical and the incredible presence that probably came from having the means and the morals to actually buy a human being.

No one knew where I was. As far as my team was concerned, I was on assignment. I didn't check in. That would defeat the purpose. I had a team so that I could get hold of them if I had to. I had a team that would respond when it was time to go in and take down the Brotherhood.

I was nowhere near the Brotherhood, hell and gone from Seattle, and alone with a man who was undoubtedly a sociopath. The only question was if he was a psychopath.

I'd watched his guards, not that I had to. Their actions spoke more loudly than their words. The way they pointed their weapons at me at a moment's notice. They were serious and vigilant and they were devoted to this man. That probably meant he'd bought them out of some kind of trouble. Whatever, one way or another, he'd paid for their loyalty.

I had yet to arrive at this compound awake and aware and able to see so I still had no idea how remote it was or how large. I couldn't give anyone my location because I didn't know it and I didn't have my phone, which might have been destroyed.

Or not. There was a glimmer of hope there. Because if something happened to my father, Cole would probably know and even Cole would either let me go or see me there himself.

Which brooked the problem that I didn't want anything bad to happen to my father just so I could get out of this.

Did I want out?

Cole dragged a chair across the room, which was spacious and sunny, white walls and white floor of some washable tile. The windows weren't barred but the guards were armed. One rather canceled the perceived freedom of the other.

When Cole spun the chair neatly right in front of mine and dropped down on it, arm over the back, legs straddling it, I felt an answering throb between my legs. That was what was insane. Not that he'd caught me, brought me here.

But that I'd come looking. That he might actually be my cure. That I wanted him despite his voice low in my ear telling me I didn't have to sleep with him.

Despite what he'd done to me.

He leaned in close. He'd released my jaw when he went for the chair and hadn't taken hold of it again.

Crazy or not, I missed the touch.

His eyes bore into mine. "I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. Do you want that?"

I wanted to say, Oh, yes, please in my most sarcastic tone. But I could feel the violence in him.

I didn't want to get hit.

A tiny voice inside me ventured that if that were true, I was very much in the wrong place.

I told the voice to shut up.

I said, "Yes."

He slapped me. Not as hard as Jesse ever had. Not as hard as I'd been hit in fights.

But hard enough to make my nose bleed and my ears ring.

"Yes?" he asked.

For an instant I didn't get it. I'd never played these games. Even when I pushed Mark into something harder, it was only dominance and submission, or S&M or – something. It was never M-s. Never Master/slave.

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