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She'd disappeared.


The girl in my bed was unmarked. Easily my equal when it came to sadism, she hadn't a masochistic bone in her body. But she could fuck like a madwoman all night.

Currently she lay in bed with a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses on the end of her nose, which managed to make her look like a damn porn star. It helped that she was naked, the sheet down to her waist, her torso propped up on pillows. She was reading Stephen King.

I stood by the window, staring at the messages coming in on my phone. When Annie left, I didn't mark her. No chip. No tracker of any sort. But I didn't just open the door and let her trot out into the world. I had a network of people on her, checking in. Not all day every day. Just periodically. Until I had built up an idea of her daily life in Seattle when she wasn't actively working on the job.

Some time between check ins by the various eyes on her, she disappeared.


Annie Knox is a cop. She's got special training. I should have been worried or at least concerned that she could stay on the run and out of my reach for an indefinite period of time.

I'm not worried.

I'm more intrigued.

"Are you coming back to bed?"

"Should I?"

In answer, she lefts the glasses perched on her pert nose but yanked the sheet off, showing off her creamy, surgically perfect breasts, her tiny waist, her sculpted bush and all the treasures that lay between those legs and in that mouth.

Annie Knox would keep. I'm a sadist and I wanted my masochist back but when I'm ready, I'll find her and bring her to heel.

In the meantime, I'm also a hedonist. I can entertain myself.

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