Page 42 of Diabolique

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Oh shit! If she pulled a runner what does that mean for me? I rushed into Mark’s office and tried not to show my panic. “Sir, I’m very sorry, there’s an emergency; I have to go.” I didn’t wait for his approval because there was no chance of me coming back here.

“Take all the time you need.” I barely acknowledged his words as I rushed from his office and bolted towards the elevator. I have to get in touch with the bank; I have to turn this around somehow. Then I’m going to find that bitch and make her regret ever being born.

I rushed out onto the street and almost collided with someone. “Hey, watch it.” I ignored the man and kept rushing towards employee parking, where my car was. “What the fuck? Where the fuck is my car?” I spun around in a circle, looking for the Mercedes I’d parked there a few hours ago.

I walked up and down each aisle, but there was no sign of my car. What the fuck is going on? The bank. I checked the number in the message and hit the call button. I listened to the recording and entered the last four digits of my account.

“We’re sorry there is no account matching these details. Please check your information and try again.” I did it three times with the same result. “Okay, okay, take your time. This has got to be a mistake.” I tried it again, but the same thing happened again.

Things only got worse when I spoke with a live agent. “You stupid bitch, I’ve had this account for ten years. Hello, hello.” She hung up on me. What am I supposed to do now? I have to get back to my place and get the hell out of here; something is not right.

I hailed a cab out on the street and gave them the address. I threw a few bills at him when we reached and bounded up the stairs once I reached inside, too impatient to wait for the elevator.

I was out of breath with fear by the time I closed the door behind me. My head started spinning, and the room tilted and twirled. I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the nearest chair as I went in and out of consciousness. What the hell? Did I come down with something?

My phone started ringing in my hand, and I answered without looking at the caller ID. “You’re going to die.”

“Who is this?”

“Did you feel the prick in your arm when the gentleman bumped into you?”

“What? You crazy bitch, who are you? Wait, what bump?” The man on the street that bumped into me when I left the office. Is that why my head is spinning? “What did you do to me? Where is Jessica and my money?”

“She’s waiting for you in hell. See you soon, Jack.”

My hand went numb, and then the rest of my body, but my eyes remained open. I heard a noise at the door but couldn’t move my head in that direction. I was aware that I was drooling since I had no muscle control.

I wanted to scream when I saw the stranger who had bumped into me not too long ago standing over me. He got down low, so our eyes met, and I never felt such fear before in my life. “Who…are…. you?” My words were slurred and felt weird on my tongue.

“Lyon, don’t move.” He held my head in place and stared into my eyes, and everything went dark.

* * *


* * *

Fucking Mengeleand her mind games bullshit. I caught her trying to talk that asshole Mancini into bringing her here to do this shit, and he was about to agree before I stepped in. Even her mother and aunts knew not to let her do this shit because they did not want to feel my wrath, but he’s a whole other breed of idiot when it comes to my kid.

She’s graduated to playing with people’s lives, something I wish she’d wait at least another ten years to do, but fuck it. She’d already worked on the chick. It was only when I got on the plane to come here that I realized the two of them had played me.

I looked up when he walked through the door. “You played me, you fuck.”

“Not me; take it up with your daughter. She wanted to see which of you did it best.”

“She does realize she’s sending them to their deaths, right?”

“Tell me, do you think she cares?”

“Is this what she was doing with the dolphins?”

“This, and the fact that they fight sharks.”

“What dafuq does she want with sharks? Did you fools get her sharks?” He clammed up the fuck.

“Did you put the tracker on him?” Mancini asked as I got to my feet.

“It’s in him, yes.”

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