Page 36 of Diabolique

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“How many?” I whispered the question at a pivotal moment. When I felt his cock jerk inside of me as his body tensed. That was the precursor to him cumming. “Four!” His answer came just at the moment he exploded inside me.

He had the nerve to go back to life as usual after dropping that bombshell in my lap. I was in shock for at least the whole night. So much so that I had all but forgotten about Jessica and that whole ordeal. The shock didn’t stop my greed for him, though, and now I had the added bonus of being sore on top of everything else.

Thoughts of that soreness brought to mind the way he had tried to ease the pain by spending more than an hour between my thighs, eating me out until I screamed myself hoarse. He’d gone downstairs to bring up our dinner that had been left warming, and we sat in the middle of our bed feeding each other with our fingers, something we hadn’t done since the early days of our marriage.

Once we were done eating, I’d found myself splayed out on my back, and he was coming into me again, that same hunger burning brightly in his eyes. That had set off another few hours of loving before I was too sore and too tired to move. This time, I fell asleep with his tongue inside me, his way of apologizing for making me sore again.

This morning, I woke up with only one question on my mind. “You were teasing me last night, right? About being pregnant, I mean.” He’d had the chef bring our breakfast upstairs, and we were having it out on the balcony in the early morning. It had been a while since we’d sat down to breakfast like this together.

I had grown into the habit of grabbing a cup of coffee in the morning and not eating anything until lunch, but Mark has decided that from now on, I will be having breakfast every day. That’s one of the things that convinced me that he wasn’t playing around. Now, he put down the knife he had been using to butter my toast.

“No, I wasn’t. You’re pregnant, about three weeks.” My hand went to my tummy in shock, and I just kept looking at him in shock. Each time I started to speak, I lost my train of thought and had to start all over again. Then, it hit me that I had no idea how he felt about the idea.

“How do you feel? I know we thought we were done; the kids are already in college…”

“Do you remember how young and inexperienced we were with the triplets? And then when Junior came, we were barely any better because he was less than a year younger than the girls?”

“All the trial and error before things eased out and we could finally breathe again?”

“Yeah!” Why am I so nervous? Where is he going with this?

“Wouldn’t it be fun to do it all over again, knowing what we know now?”

My excitement started to build, and then he covered my hand with his and smiled, and all my worry and angst just dissipated. “So, you’re not mad.”

“Why would I be mad about sharing that with you again? I’m looking forward to it. I can’t wait to see you be a mother to babies again. I remember some very fond moments from the past.

No doubt he was thinking of his penchant for suckling my breasts and his taste for breast milk. It’s not something I have ever shared with anyone else because I found it a bit taboo. But I have to admit that it was one of my fondest memories of that time as well.

“But four at once?”

“Not much different from having the girls and Junior less than a year apart. Forget all of that for now, though; I want to know that you realize this means an end to your spy days.”


“You heard me. I want you to stay away from this situation. If you put you or my children in danger, I’ll punish you and not in the way that you like.” Oh dear. He doesn’t hand out threats that often, but when he does there’s always a guarantee that he would carry them out.

“But I still don’t know what happened.”

“Nothing happened. She’s gone, not dead, just gone from this town. Jack will be taken care of soon.”

“What was that name she said there at the end?”

“The name of her boss, or who she knows to be her boss.”

“What do you mean?” He wiped his mouth with his napkin and poured me more water, waiting until I took the first sip to carry on. “I mean that these low-level drones hardly ever know the real head of their organization. There are layers and layers to this thing, with factions spread all over the world.”

“Their true leaders could be well hidden and never heard of before, or they could be moving among us every day. They’re like Lernaean Hydra. You cut off one head, and another appears. The name she gave checks out, but we’re certain he’s just one level above him, and there are others higher up in the organization.”

I was very pleased that he was actually taking the time to explain things to me and not brushing me off. I was still having a hard time believing that he was able to hide this other side of himself from me for so long. It was a noble thing, to be sure, but I guess I can see why he kept it as well hidden as he had.

I would have probably lived my life on the edge had I known about any of it. I now have a better understanding of his capabilities, something he had downplayed in the past, and that, too I guess I can understand.

I have no issue with his sixth sense or the fact that it is more powerful than he let on before, and I’m sure when he says that he doesn’t abuse his abilities in our relationship, that he respects my privacy and my right to close myself off from him if I choose to that he’s being absolutely honest with me.

I feel closer to him somehow because he can see certain aspects of me and still love me the way he does, which is a huge compliment. Now, his warmth and ease in the face of this new situation with the pregnancy are helping me overcome any doubts and fears I might have. But I’m not so sure about stepping back from the case. Maybe my new friends on the island can help me get around him.

“Don’t even think about it.” Well damn!

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