Page 33 of Diabolique

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“I don’t think so. I think this was part of the plan.”

“Whatever, just hurry back; we have to head to New York in a few and my kid needs to get married before my wife offs me in my sleep.”

“Why are you so nervous? The date’s set, everything’s taken care of.”

“That’s easy for you to say, your kids are fucking three and one. Mine are lining up for this shit. I gotta go; Hitler’s youth just walked in.” I hung up with Mancini and watched my little terror walk in. I’m not sure why Kat persists in dressing this kid in frills and lacey shit; she should be in a balaclava and camouflage.

She walked in and climbed into the chair across from me with her tiny ass, her feet still not touching the floor. At least she wasn’t in my lap, so that meant she wasn’t about to annoy my ass. Then her mother walked in, and I wasn’t so sure. These two like to tag team my ass with their stupid shit.

“What do you want, Katarina Lyon?”

“What? I can’t just come say hi to you?” She walked over and kissed my cheek before taking a seat.

“Mommy’s probably here to talk about the wedding, so let me go first, Daddy.”

“Go ahead.”


Fuck! “Yes?”

“I wanna jump out of a plane.”


“COLTON!” Kat had perfected the art of screeching.

“What? All the shit she does, and this is what scares you? Go ahead, baby, I’ll set that up for you.”

The way she smiles when she gets her way. Nothing makes me feel better than giving my kids what they want. Though with Mengele, it’s a toss-up. At least this time, it was something normal. Her damn dog showed up at the door, and she climbed down from the chair and went to follow him from the room.

“What’s she and that damn dog up to?”

“I wouldn’t know. Colton, you know, no is a complete sentence. You can try using it with her sometimes.”

“Why, if I say no one of these fucks around here will do it anyway, so what’s the point?”

“I thought we moved to this island for peace and comfort; she seems to be getting worse since we came here.”

“Don’t talk about my kid, Kat.”

“Your kid? So, she’s yours today, huh!”

“Was there something you wanted, baby? Cause I don’t trust you either.”

“Me? What have I done?”

“All of you women are sneaky as fuck. What did she and Russo send to that woman?”

“What woman?” Her eye started glitching. That’s her new trick. When she wants to get out of something, she starts twitching her damn eyes at me.

“You need a factory reset or some shit? I can help you out with that.” She smacked me on the shoulder.

“Caitlin is getting restless. I told her you’ve taken care of everything, but she won’t relax.”

“That’s why I said, just do that shit right here and be done with it.”

“We can’t because Alex and Cassie are getting married in France as well; that’s why everything is so chaotic.”

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