Page 17 of Diabolique

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“I think that your husband being who he is and the fact that Marcus Blair called him after talking to you means that there’s more going on than just some girl trying to get in his pants. I can’t say more right now, but if it turns out to be what I think it is, I’ll tell you everything.”

“You’re scaring me here.”

“By the way, check all your electronics for spyware. That’s if you don’t want your husband to know what you’re up to. Oh, and your car. You may not find anything because they’re getting more sophisticated.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re married to Mark Wilson. There’s a better than good chance that he knows every move you make.”

“How did you know? That’s exactly what he said, but what does it mean?”

“It means exactly what you think it means. We’re still trying to figure out what they’ve been using, but we’re all in the same boat. Whatever they’re using to keep tabs on us isn’t easily detected by anything on the market, so we just had to learn to live with it. I’m sure your husband is going to know about this conversation. I would email you, but they can see that, too.”

“Are you saying that my husband is spying on me?”

“That’s not how they see it. To them, it’s their way of protecting us. Us, kids, even the damn pets, are probably tagged in some way.”

“How do you know this?”

“It’s a long story. I’m almost certain this call is being monitored as well.” I looked around the room expecting, I don’t know what.

“You are seriously spooking me out right now.”

“It’s okay; you learn to live with it. After a while, you even forget it some days.”

“But I don’t hear any clicking sounds or anything like that.”

“They’re too sophisticated for that, but that’s not how it works. They don’t sit and listen to everything you say. It’s mostly a defense thing, a way for them to know where we are and that we’re not in any danger at any given time.”

“Like the chip?”

“Something like that, I guess, but noninvasive.”

“Oh, well, that’s not so bad, I guess.”

“It’s a pain in the ass, and Hank Mancini needs to quit.” The way she said that I got the feeling she wasn’t talking to me but directly to him.”

“Okay, well, I’ll wait for your call then.”

“I won’t be long. Take care. And since he told you to stay out of it, we’ll give them the impression that we are.”

“I like the way you think.” I hung up the phone, more confused than I was before. That sounds like a James Bond movie.

* * *


* * *

“What are you guys doing?How does your woman know that she’s tagged?”

“You’re late to the game. Is that why Brittany called my wife this morning? Did she figure it out?”

“No, your wife told her. Actually, I’m kinda surprised she never figured it out before now.”

“So, how much does she know?”

“Not much, for now, she thinks it’s about shaking me down for money. But your wife promised to get back to her after she looks into their backgrounds. There’s no way she can figure it out, though, so I’m not worried.”

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