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Her parents prepared her for this role well, even if only from afar for the past seven years. She manages to keep her stance relaxed enough to give a sense of openness while regal enough to hold an air of authority.

“I’m willing to go further than that in exchange for your loyalty to the Crown,” she says, her alert gaze fixed on the gang bosses. “If we consider each of your typical areas of business, I’d imagine I can find some for which I could abolish the conflicting laws completely. How would you like to find yourselves at the head of a guild of your own, not only allowed to pursue those avenues unhindered but keeping full control over who else is allowed to engage in them?”

The gang bosses are giving their best impression of nonchalance, but I catch a twitch of a smile at the corner of Garom’s mouth and an avidness in the adjustment of Hellar’s position. I doubt they anticipated any Melchiorek making them an offer so generous.

Of course, they’re not the types to leap at a chance before eyeing it from every angle. Sonia takes a disaffected tone. “And what guarantee would we have of you following through on your promises if we pave your way back to the throne?”

The guards shift restlessly at the sneer in her voice. Tinom, who’s seated himself next to Princess Klaudia, can’t conceal a frown.

I wish I knew what to say that could bring these disparate groups together in harmony. I’ve spent years in training to learn how to set any person at ease.

But when so much hangs in the balance with every word that passes around the table… I was meant to be pampering and entertaining political figures, not guiding their policies. And who can say what’s reasonable or not when sadistic sorcerers have taken over the country?

Petra, at least, doesn’t appear offended by the gangsters’ caution. “I can sign a proclamation to the effect with my personal seal along with that of the Melchiorek family. We can make the establishment of the guild a priority during the very early days of our reclamation, so that you’d see it put into practice while I’m still relying on your support. If there are other methods that would reassure you more, I’d be happy to hear them.”

The three bosses tilt closer together to murmur amongst themselves. Garom and Sonia push back their chairs and get to their feet. “You’ve given us a lot to think about. We’ll talk about the details on our own and let you know what we think a reasonable deal would be. Then it’ll be up to you whether or not you take it.”

Tinom’s mouth tightens. “We can’t afford to wait very long. With every day, the Order of the Wild deepens their influence?—”

Petra holds up her hand. “Advisor, I’m sure we’re all aware of the urgency of the current situation.”

Across from Tinom, Ivy lifts her head to catch Garom’s eyes. “I’ll come by tomorrow to find out what you’ve decided and bring word back.”

He tips his head in acknowledgment. “Let’s see if we can all end up with more than we started with.”

He shoots a sharp smile at Petra and strides out of the pub with his colleagues flanking him.

As soon as the door has thumped shut behind the trio, Petra glances around the tables. “We need to think farther abroad as well as just within the city. The Order of the Wild has spread its influence everywhere. Perhaps we can bring in more allies from across the country—or push back in several places at once.”

Stavros taps his prosthetic against the tabletop. “There was a fairly effective group of resistors in the city of Pima in Nikodi, assuming they’ve continued to avoid punishment.”

Ivy’s face brightens. “Yes, Voleska and Emor pulled together a good group and were already undermining the Order’s authority. You can count on them.”

Tinom hums thoughtfully. “There’s a well-regarded temple of Elox up north, a few hours from Nikodi—the Temple of Tranquil Skies. The cleric who presides over it has always been a key supporter of the Melchiorek rule in that region.”

One of the devouts sits up a little straighter. “Oh, yes, that temple has a long history. I heard they sheltered revolutionaries there all the way back when Silana rose up against the Darium empire.”

I’m even less use at evaluating people halfway across the country. As the discussion continues, I fold my hands in my lap against the unfamiliar urge to fidget.

I helped bring the current meeting together. I’ll bolster spirits as needed.

No one would expect a courtesan to play all that large a role in overcoming an uprising anyway.

Alek is in the middle of describing another temple he’s visited that he thinks might be worth reaching out to when one of Tinom’s sentries slips in from the pub’s back entrance.

The woman clears her throat to get the group’s attention, though she focuses her gaze on her future ruler. “I’ve got a man you might want to speak with, though I’m not sure it’s safe for you to do it directly. He was being chased by some of the Order members—they were yelling about him turning his back on Lothar. We managed to get him away to a temporary hiding spot. It sounds as if he’s defected from the scourge sorcerers.”

Stavros’s eyes flash. “He might have useful information about their operations. If he can be trusted.”

The former general looks as if he’s about to get to his feet, but I hop to mine first. My spirits have lifted past their temporary gloom.

“I’ll go speak to him,” I say before anyone else can volunteer. “I don’t have much to contribute to this discussion anyway, and I can get a read on what he’s really after.”

Having Ivy beam at me the way she does would solidify my resolve all on its own. Thankfully, I have the future queen’s support as well.

Petra offers me a smile of her own. “Go and see what you can find out from him—both in what he says and what he does.”

The sentry motions for me to follow her, and we hustle out the back of the building the way she came in.

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