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My mind is still acting up, yes, but I’ve been able to recognize the hallucinations before I react. And the longer I can go without turning to my own magic again, the more the effects should fade.

I hope.

It’s not as if we have time to waste. The longer Lothar keeps his hold over the country, the more people he’ll draw into his brand of madness.

“Of course,” I say. “Whatever I can do to see you on the throne and Lothar in his grave.”

I’d worry that my death wish for the former magic advisor might be a little too blunt, but a couple of the soldiers snort in amusement and Sibille’s lips form a sharp grin. Clearly it’s a sentiment we all share.

“Thank you,” Petra says like she means it, and pushes to her feet. “It’s been several long, hard days for all of us. I think we should get some rest and finish our planning with clear heads. We can aim to send Ivy on her mission tomorrow evening.”

She dips her head in a dismissal.

As I push myself to my feet, my legs sway under me. I didn’t sleep all that well last night even with proper walls around me.

Images of Lothar standing in the temple and me hurling a murderous lance of magic toward him kept flashing through my mind. That and the way Petra’s siblings recoiled when they first saw me in the underground storeroom.

Casimir slips his hand around my arm. “Come on, Kindness. Let’s set aside all these responsibilities for a little while.”

He guides me down the hall to the room the five of us have taken as our own. It’s unfurnished, but we were able to gather enough blankets to form a large sleeping mat that covers about half of the floor.

My other men follow us. As I turn to face them, a swell of emotion rises up in my chest.

I was torn away from them, and I haven’t really gotten to appreciate being back with them since we reunited. There’ve been so many other problems dogging us, other people around that I had to put on a strong front for.

These four men accept my weaknesses as well as my power. There’s nothing I’m craving more right now than a reminder of their affection.

I kick off my boots by the door and sink down in the middle of the blanketed area. Then I hold out my hand, beckoning them all over.

I think they can tell from my attitude that I’m looking for comfort rather than passion at this moment. They settle themselves in a ring around me, Casimir by my back, Rheave and Stavros at either side of me, and Alek in front.

Rheave loops his arm around mine while Stavros takes my hand, stroking his thumb over my knuckles. Casimir rubs my back in a gentle motion, careful of my scars.

Alek caresses his fingers over my cheek, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind my ear. “How are you doing, Ivy? I thought we’d been through a lot already, but this…” He shakes his head. “At least it seems we’ve finally gotten to the core of the conspiracy.”

“Yes,” I say. We just don’t know what to do about it. But I want to spend a little time not thinking about Lothar for once. “I’m just glad I’m with all of you again. Whatever happens going forward, having you is the bright spot that helps me through the dark parts.”

Stavros lets out a low rumble. “Don’t ever doubt that you do the same for us.”

Rheave’s voice dips low. “When you were gone, when we didn’t know what had happened to you…” His voice trails off raggedly, and then he seems to master the emotion that gripped him. “But our little vine is back with us, and that’s what matters.”

The daimon-man leans in to kiss the side of my neck. He’s only just started exploring the bodily pleasures two—or more—people can conjure together, but he’s both an eager student and a quick study.

The press of his lips sends a jolt of heat straight to my sex. All at once, my nerves are humming with desire for the other sorts of intimacy we haven’t had the privacy or energy for while on the road to Florian.

As usual, Casimir picks up the shift in my mood immediately. He teases his hands down to my waist to undo my belt and then up to work at the lacing on my dress. “I think our woman deserves the full welcome she’s had to go so many days without.”

Stavros’s heated chuckle is all agreement. Alek simply offers one of his quiet but bright smiles and trails his fingers up my thigh.

Rheave eases back to watch as Casimir peels the dress off me. The daimon-man’s eyes widen taking in my partial nakedness, my chemise and the pants that serve as an underdress still in place.

We didn’t have much opportunity to undress the first time we came together that intimately.

He hums thoughtfully. “Less clothes makes it easier. No clothes would be even better.”

A laugh I didn’t expect bubbles out of me. “It does, but normally we work up to that. I wouldn’t mind seeing you without that shirt, though.”

He obliges without hesitation, pulling off the woolen tunic and tossing it aside.

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