Page 1 of Titan

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Chapter One


Even though it’s still early and chilly outside, Mountain Morning Brew is packed with customers. What are all these people doing here at six thirty in the morning?

I clench my jaw in irritation. I know everyone has a right to be here, but there’s nothing I hate more than crowds. All I’m asking for is to drink my morning coffee in peace. That’s why I always come here at opening time. Every Friday, I go for a long hike at five a.m. and treat myself to one of Mountain Morning Brew’s specialties. And every week, the place is deserted when I arrive. People don’t start trickling in until at least seven, and I’ll be long gone by that time. Those thirty minutes of peace and quiet are sacred to me.

I get in line behind a couple of lovebirds and roll my eyes after their seventh passionate kiss that is so steamy it belongs in the bedroom, not in the queue of a small-town coffee shop.

Behind the counter, Winona is run off her feet, pouring coffee beans into the grinder, steaming milk, and taking orders. In the three years she’s worked here, we’ve become great friends, even though we never have long conversations. She lets me be, and I appreciate that a lot.

Ten minutes later, I’m finally at the front of the queue.

“Good morning, Titan. The usual?” she asks with a big smile, reaching for a cup.

I admire how happy and positive she is all day, every day, despite the giant workload.

“That would be great, thanks,” I say with a nod. “What’s up with all these people today?”

She places my cup under the espresso machine. “Beats me. Something about a murder mystery? I honestly haven’t found the time yet to take it slow and chat.”

I don’t answer. The sound of the coffee maker would drown out my voice, anyway. Winona places my order on the counter and rings me up.

“See you soon,” she says.

“Have a great day.”

I grab my cup of coffee and turn around, scanning the place for a spot to sit. My usual table by the window is already taken, and so are all the other spots I like. Shit. I head to the small area at the back where the only possibility is a long couch that people have to share. I guess it’s better than nothing.

My heart makes a double jump when I land my eyes on the spot. There are a couple of empty spaces on the couch, but that’s not what’s making me sweat. It’s her. Right here, in Mountain Morning Brew. I blink a few times to make sure I’m not hallucinating. It’s really her. Harper Beckett.

She looks up. Surprise crosses her face at first, but then she breaks out a big smile. “Titan? Is that you?”

I nod, unable to speak.

“Come on, sit. Don’t just stand there.” She closes her laptop and shoves her stuff to the side, making room for me. “This is great. I can’t even remember how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other.”

I can. It’s been exactly seven years and three months since she moved away from Bearclaw Ridge, but I’m not about to let her know I kept count.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time,” I say.

She pats me on the leg. “So? How have you been? I ran into your brother Falcon yesterday, and he told me that RidgeRoam Adventure Tours is doing great. Talk about a dream come true, huh?”

I nod. “Business is indeed booming. So you saw Falcon? How long have you been in town?”

“A couple of days. I’m staying with my parents for a few weeks. They transformed my old room into a cat hotel, so I have to sleep with five cats on the bed, but it beats staying at a hotel. Anyway, I’m here for Midnight Murmurs: The Harper Files. Do you know it?”

“Never heard of it,” I lie through my teeth.

Midnight Murmurs: The Harper Files is her podcast—the one I’m subscribed to and fall asleep with every time she uploads a new episode. Hearing her excited, beautiful voice through my headphones while I’m in bed is how I cope with not having her around anymore. But I can’t tell her that. She’ll think I’m a stalker and a creep.

Truth is, I’ve been head over heels in love with her since she first sat next to me in biology and split her Twix with me. That moment might have been over a decade ago, but it’s seared into my mind.

“Well, it’s my podcast,” she says, completely oblivious to my lie. “I started it two years ago, and it’s been a major success. If I can push my follower count and hours streamed a bit further, I’ll be able to quit my job and pursue this as a full-time career. That’s why I’m here. A lead about an old murder case came in last week, and I want to investigate it.”

“Shouldn’t you leave that up to the police? It doesn’t sound safe.”

She laughs, her auburn hair bouncing over her shoulders. “The police think it’s a dead-end. Me, on the other hand… I’m not so sure. And I’m not alone in thinking that. Why do you think all these people are here? Five are fellow murder mystery podcasters, and the others are all fans. Everyone is out for a scoop. I’ll be the one who gets it, though.”

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