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Relief filled me as I thanked her and ended the call, then called Whiskee. It took forever for her to answer, and when she did, I heard the deep, shaky breath she took.

“H-hey, baby.” She sniffled, and the sound was like a punch to my gut. “How did it go?”

“Fuck this. How are you?”

Whiskee cleared her throat. “I’m fine, Beethoven.”

“Don’t lie to me. I’m ’bout to send you a FaceTime request.”

“No, don’t!” she yelled softly, quickly. “I’m scared, I’m not gonna lie, but I’ll be okay.”

“I’m sorry, bae. If I would’ve known your brother was leaving, I would’ve brought you with me.”

Whiskee chuckled, but it turned into another sniffle. “I can’t suffer with this forever, right?”

“Bae… I need to see you to know you’re okay. Can I please FaceTime you?”

She thought about it for a while before agreeing. When the FaceTime connected and I saw her red, puffy eyes, my heart broke into pieces. She was sitting against the wall with her knees to her chest. On the nightstand next to her was the 9mm that was supposed to be inside of it for emergencies.

“You remember we put bars on the windows, right?” She nodded, tugging her bottom lip into her mouth as her chin trembled and eyes watered. “And the door is an armored door now, bae. No one can get in. You’re so safe, Whiskee, I promise.”

Her head nodded rapidly and eyes squeezed shut. “Okay,” she whispered.

“My mama is gonna come and get you, aight? She’s going to take you to her home, which is just as secure, and I’ll pick you up in a few hours.”

She looked into my eyes. “I really appreciate that, but I think I need to be alone. If I don’t, I’ll never get over this. You’re right; I’m safe here. I’m uncomfortable and scared, but I’ll make it through the night.”

“Are you absolutely sure, because she’s ready to come if she needs to.”

Whiskee took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m sure, baby. Thank you. Besides, I don’t want the first time we meet to be while I’m on my bullshit.”

Her smile made me smile. “My mama don’t care about that kind of stuff. She knows I care about you, so she cares about you too. If you need her to come, she’ll be there.”

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind, but I really think I’ll be okay.”

“Aight. I’ll send you her number just in case. If you need her before I get there, just call her.”

“Okay, baby. I will.”

We talked for a few seconds more before ending the call. I sent her Mama’s contact card, and she saved her number before I went back into the dining room. Though, being honest, the last thing I wanted to do at that moment was eat, drink, and be merry. I wanted to get to my wife. She was right, though. Maybe her being alone tonight was for the best. I just hated that she didn’t have time to mentally prepare for it. Hopefully, she’d be okay. If she wasn’t, Mama would pull up on her, and I’d be right behind her.



Trying to sleep made the fear worse. As long as I was up and alert, I was scared but okay. When I tried to sleep, that was when the nightmares started. All I could see was my mother tied up and telling me she loved me before a bullet entered her head. Around midnight, I gave up the fight to sleep. My phone vibrated, and the text from Beethoven’s mom made me smile.

Lisa: Hey baby. It’s Lisa… Bay’s mama. I just wanted to check on you.

Hi. I’m hanging in here. I don’t think I’ll get to sleep any time soon, so I’m about to make some tea and try to do something productive.

Lisa: Well I’m parked outside if you need me.

No ma’am! I didn’t know you were here. Come on up!

Lisa: Are you sure?

I’m positive.

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