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‘It’s the left shoulder because that’s apparently where the devil sits,’ he continued, squeezing my fingers. ‘Throwing salt in his eyes keeps him away.’

‘Fascinating,’ I said, squeezing his fingers back. ‘I wonder where that originated from.’

‘The Last Supper. Judas Iscariot spilled the salt cellar.’

Together, we threw pinches of salt over our left shoulders, and I hoped I hit the devil right in the eyes with mine. I didn’t want any interference in what was now looking to be an actual date with Jeremy.

We returned to our food, having salted our respective filet mignons. After finishing my meal, I made an excuse to go to the ladies’, leaving him perusing the dessert menu. Clutching the edge of the counter, I took a few deep breaths to calm down. My heart was jumping around in my chest like the Energizer Bunny. Just as I thought it was one thing, he’d completely upped the ante, and now it was another. What would happen after dinner? I had no idea.

But if he was holding my hand, there was a possibility of him being up for something else later. Maybe at least a kiss? That was both exciting and nerve-wracking.

I used the loo, checked my phone, and saw I had a message from Thomas.

TTTE: How’s the date going?

Me: Good!

TTTE: Has he made a move yet?

Me: Yes! He held my hand.

TTTE: Great (thumbs up emoji). Sounds like he’s into you.

Me: I hope so. But I’m nervous about what’s going to happen after dinner. What if he wants to kiss me? Should I let him or play hard to get?

TTTE: How long have you been in love with this guy?

Me: Just over two years.

TTTE: I really don’t think you should play hard to get.

Me: Right. Thanks for the advice.

TTTE: No problem. Message me later if you get stuck.

Me: I think I should be fine.

TTTE: OK. Have fun!


With Thomas’s words of encouragement playing on my mind, I was only too happy to acquiesce with a ‘oui!’ when Jeremy suggested we take a detour to his place after the crème brûlée. He said he had an ‘artefact’ that he thought I might find interesting and that he’d drop me back at my flat afterwards.

I imagined it was a line he’d used many times before. But now that he was using it on me, I wasn’t complaining. Since we were headed to his house, I was pretty sure that he had more in mind than just a kiss. Thank goodness I’d had that practise with Thomas, or I’d be a nervous wreck right now. As it was, one of my legs had developed a nervous tremor, and my stomach kept clenching whenever I thought about it.

The rain had eased off, and the sky was clearing as we reached the outskirts of town and started passing hedgerows and fields with round golden bales of hay. It was still relatively light as we’d clocked over to daylight savings the weekend before.

‘Gosh, this is a bit of a hike into town each day,’ I commented.

‘It is a little,’ Jeremy replied, concentrating on the road, which had narrowed considerably. ‘My wife and I bought the house as a kind of country retreat.’

I gave a start. Wife!

He coughed. ‘I should say ex-wife. We’re divorced.’

My heart rate lowered from its adrenaline spike. ‘I didn’t realise you’d been married.’

‘Yeah,’ he said with a sigh. ‘Not something I’m looking to repeat anytime soon. The rectory has become a millstone around my neck. I’ll probably sell it at some point.’

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