Page 25 of POX

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TTTE: I didn’t ask about what happened because I didn’t want to pry but for the record what your boyfriend and sister did to you was pretty shit.

Me: Yes it was. But perhaps tonight was exactly what I needed to get back on the horse as you said.

TTTE: Any chance you’ll need more practise?

Me: Let me sleep on it and I’ll get back to you.


A man who wanted me for my body rather than my heart was better than no man at all, I reasoned. Besides, I needed to be on top form sexually to entice Jeremy. I had to have moves, and Thomas was willing to teach me his. There didn’t seem to be any catch that I could see; emotions weren’t involved. He was simply in it to have some fun and to ‘help a girl out’. Once that fun was over and the girl was brought up to speed, I assumed he’d move on to someone else. Of course, it went without saying that Eleanor wouldn’t be privy to this arrangement. He said as much when I called him the next morning, and we arranged for him to drop by my flat in the late afternoon.

‘Er, you’re not going to mention this to Eleanor, are you? I’d prefer it if she didn’t know.’

‘I wasn’t planning on it. She said she didn’t want details if I met up with you anyway.’


So our rendezvous took on a clandestine air. It was quite exciting. I’d never been anyone’s naughty little secret before. I tended to be the one finding out about other people’s naughty little secrets.

Even though it was Sunday, being the owner of an e-bike shop meant that Thomas said he often needed to work weekends to give his staff time off. However, he could take his pick of bikes. When I opened the door to his buzz just after 4 p.m., he was in a tight black muscle T-shirt and khaki cargo shorts, propping up a shiny red bike.

‘Do you mind if I bring it inside? It’s brand new. If I chained it up, it would probably get nicked in five seconds.’

‘Of course.’ I stepped aside as he wheeled it into the hallway.

As he passed by, I caught the pleasing scent of spicy deodorant and light sweat, and my stomach flipped nervously. He had the kind of larger-than-life presence that tended to command attention. I couldn’t help checking him out as he propped the bike against the wall, appreciating his athletic body. He turned and saw me watching him.

‘Hey.’ Thomas came over and kissed me on the lips without any preamble. His confidence was reassuring. He wasn’t going to play hard to get. He knew what he was here for and what would be happening.

Checking out my white jeans and blue cotton shirt, he said, ‘You look nice. No disguise today?’

‘No, that didn’t work. The guy I was stalking saw right through it.’

Thomas grinned and ran his hand through his hair. ‘Can I grab some water before we ... ?’

‘Sure,’ I said, leading the way to the kitchen.

I filled a glass with water at the sink, and he leaned against the counter next to me, sipping it and stroking my arm. I shivered involuntarily at his touch. ‘So no ill effects after last night? No rocking in the corner, night terrors, or anything?’

I shook my head. ‘I slept like a log.’

‘Good. I knew I’d cure you.’

I laughed. ‘Maybe you have. Maybe you haven’t.’

He finished his water, put the glass down, and moved closer so he was pressing me up against the counter. ‘No?’

My heart beat faster seeing his face at close range. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes half lidded. ‘You smell nice,’ he said. ‘Like strawberries.’

‘You do too, like a pine forest.’

Thomas chuckled. ‘You really have a way with words.’

He leaned in and kissed me, his tongue slowly caressing mine. I felt the stir of desire between my legs for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

When we broke apart, he said, ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day. There I was, amongst the bike parts when I wanted to be amongst your parts.’

I giggled at that.

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