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Why wouldn’t he be into you?

I thought he bought you shoes? And a TV? And was all super protective of you?

Yeah. He did.

And he was.

But he hasn’t made a move.

Like, at all.

Define “at all”

He hasn’t so much as touched me since the whole foot burn incident.

Not at all?

Not at all.

No moves have been made.


The way you described him cradling your foot just seemed …

Really hot?


Really hot.

But nothing since then?


Not a single touch.



Maybe he was just really worried I’d sue for negligence

Or whatever people sue for when they get hurt on rich people’s property

That doesn’t sound like something he’d be worried about.

I think we need to both stop pretending we know him better than we do.

Because obviously, we don’t know him.

And if he was into me, he would have made some kind of move by now.

But like … are you still eating meals with him?

Twice a day.

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