Page 33 of Vanilla Martinis

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He kisses me and Ainsley covers her eyes. “Okay. I’ll leave you guys to it.”

When she’s gone, Christopher says, “He must’ve left, but I think you should come stay with me tonight.”

“I can’t. What about Ainsley?”

“I mean both of you.”

I don’t want to spook my sister and it looks like Mr Lightwood has gone now. “No. We’ll be okay.” He has to be up early and doesn’t need us messing up his sleep.

“Well, I’m not leaving, then.” He caresses my side. If I tell him no, he’ll leave, but honestly, I don’t have the strength to turn him away.

“I thought you had to get up early for the farm?”

“I do, but I’ll make it work.”

“Thank you.” I’m grateful he’s willing to protect me, even if it means he’ll lose sleep. Christopher is so much more than I ever expected him to be.

Ainsley doesn’t notice anything is wrong when we sit and watch a little more TV. We don’t stay up too late, though. As we snuggle in bed, I feel at peace knowing we’re safe with Christopher here. Luckily, I don’t see Mr Lightwood at the house again.

CHAPTER Seventeen


“Aren’t you going to the races today?” I ask my grandpa, who’s got the TV on loud and the newspaper in his hand while sitting at the kitchen counter.

“I thought I might watch it at home,” he says, adjusting the pages.

Nellie’s working the Sweet Cocktails event in my grandpa’s box. As season ticket holders, my family can already get into the racecourse whenever we like. Usually, I only go if my grandpa asks me, but I’d really like to see Nellie.

“Is this because someone might be sitting in your favourite seat?” I give him a pointed look, knowing he’s a creature of habit.


“Then why did you tell Janette she could use the box?”

“Because she asked, and I like to help people.” He makes it sound simple, even though I know he’d rather be at the races without the event taking place in his box.

“You’re a sweet old man.”

“Eh, less of the old.”

I chuckle. “Come on. I need a date for the races, so you need to get ready. I’ll kick anyone in your favourite seat out onto the balcony." It wouldn’t feel right to go without him, so I need to change his mind.

He clears his throat, studying me for a few seconds. “How are things going with Nellie?”

I smile. My feelings for her have grown so much, and we’ve been officially dating for a couple of weeks. “Great. She’s great.”

“I told you she was the gem in Sweet Cocktails.”

“And you were right, of course.”

He puts down his paper. “What makes you want to go to the races today? Can’t you take a break for one day?”

I’ve been sleeping over at her house a lot lately. We’ve been going out on dates and enjoying each other’s company. But I’m like a dog with a bone. I know what I want, and I can’t help it. “No.”

He smiles. “I guess it’s time, then.”

My frown comes easily as confusion sets in my mind. “For?”

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