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Chapter Five



The moment the ground rumbles and the cave starts to open up, my heart pounds in my chest and the spark of hope explodes into an overwhelming feeling. I could save my brother. I have to believe this will work. Now I have a lead, it really could happen.

The others are slow to react, but that’s not my style. I’m the first to enter the secret cave, and I don’t wait for them to join me. The beam of light we saw on the outside is split into tiny shimmers in here.

“Wow. It looks like stars,” Maris says.

“What do you know about stars?” Ryn asks.

Maris narrows her eyes and I can feel the tension between them.

“Maris isn’t the sweet, obedient flower you think she is. She’s smart and adventurous. If you’d bothered to dig deeper, you’d have realised she’s spent many nights exploring outside the city. Everyone has their guilty pleasures, including Maris,” Pasha says.

“I like gazing at the stars,” Maris says with a smile.

“I hate to break whatever this is up, but does anyone recognise any of these patterns?” I ask, moving closer to the wall. The holes are no bigger than fingerprints. I poke one of them but can’t feel anything other than the water. If these were just gaps in the cave, wouldn’t they fill with sand from the seabed?

I’ve been staring at the patterns for fifteen minutes before anyone speaks. “Do you think they could be linked to the zodiac signs like the jug?” Maris asks.

I smile. She’s a smart woman. Using the new idea, I look back across the cave as if it was the night sky. “I could kiss you,” I say.

“Hands off,” Ryn says.

“What difference would it make to you? You’ve shown your true colours,” Maris snaps, but there seems to be a wavering undertone of hurt.

“Whatever I say, I can’t win. If I tell you I made a mistake, I’m an asshole, and if I say I had a connection with Pasha, I’m still the bad guy.” Ryn shakes his head.

“Which is it?” Pasha crosses her arms over her chest.

They’re both beautiful, but Ryn’s an idiot. Any guy who dates two women has a death wish, especially if they’re friends like these two appear to be.

Ryn runs his hands over his hair, clenching his fists tightly on the ends. He probably doesn’t deserve it, but I’m willing to take some of the heat off him. It’s not like I’m a saint myself. “Does anyone recognise any of the constellations?” I’ve seen pictures of Aquarius, but looking at everything all together is jumbling my memory.

“My birthday is February 14th, which makes me an Aquarius. From what I can remember, the stars resemble an E,” Maris says.

I can’t take my eyes off her. It’s like fate brought her to me that night, even if she doesn’t have all the answers. Everyone is on board with looking for the stars we need, but it’s no use. We need more help.

“We should visit the library,” Pasha suggests.

“And what if the cave closes? I don’t want to risk it,” I say.

“How about you and Ryn go search for a book, and I’ll stay here with Kasper.” Maris nods like she’s agreeing with her own plan.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Pasha shakes her head.

“Well, I’m not asking. I’m telling you to go. I think it would be in everyone’s best interests for you two to clear the air.” Maris points towards Ryn.

Pasha rubs her neck. “I want closure on our situation, but it’s you I want to talk to.”

“Have you seen each other before you discovered me with Kasper?” Maris’s lips thin like this answer means everything.

“Yes, but…” Pasha starts.

Maris holds up her hands. “I don’t want any more mixed messages from either of you. Talk it out so we can all move forward.” Maris has an authority about her which makes me think she could be important.

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