Page 72 of Savage Lover

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I offer a tight-lipped smile and a nod. “Thanks.”

Paul helps the women load their things into the cart before heading off to help Ben and Max load their passengers as well. I sigh as I watch him go. It’s not that he’s a bad guy, it’s just that he knows too much.

It takes three trips with all the carts to get everyone and their belongings to the house. When I finally cross the threshold, I'm hot and tired and grimy from the road dust sticking to my sweaty skin. All I want is to throw myself into the pool, but there’s a lot of work to do first.

Petunia has been doing a great job of getting people into the house’s many indoor and outdoor showers as soon as they arrive, so most people sitting around the living room look clean and refreshed. I can see a couple of local women carting off bags of wet, soiled clothes and remember Ben telling me they’d rallied up an army to help with washing.

Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

I decide to head up and shower after all—not feeling like much of a leader when I’m dirtier and smellier than the people I should be helping.

When I come back down the stairs into the main room, clean with wet hair and fresh clothes, Ben is speaking to the room. He’s standing right at the foot of the stairs, so everyone watches me come down.

He pauses in his speech as I come up behind him and smiles over at me. I must be bright fucking red with the entire room dead silent and staring at me, so I just duck my head and hurry to the back of the crowd where Sally is waiting, trying not to laugh at my complete and utter failure.

“Like I was saying,” Ben goes on, “we have enough beds if people can share, but there are plenty of sofas, hammocks, and floor pads so no one has to share a bed if they don’t want to.”

Snickers break out in the crowd. I flush once more, thinking everyone has turned to look at me, but when I look up, I don’t find a single stare. People are elbowing each other and grinning amongst themselves.

I’m completely overreacting. This is going to be fine.

“I’m going to be taking people around to get situated. Women first, to get them settled where they’re comfortable, then the guys can fill in around them and take whatever rooms and beds are still free. Victoria,” I freeze at the sound of my name echoing through the room as every face now turns to me, “knows the house pretty well, so she’s a good person to ask if you can’t find bedding, towels, toiletries, or a shower. We have plenty of extra stuff here, so make yourselves at home.”

I offer what I hope is a calm, welcoming smile to the sea of curious eyes still pinned on me.

“We heard back from Sandy and Phil Richardson who own The Flamingo Hotel on the east side and they’re going to send the caretakers over to open that property for us to use for employee housing as long as we need it. There are enough rooms for everyone, and they should be ready tomorrow. So, we're all roommates for tonight only. It’s more of a slumber party. We’re going to start grilling and preparing a big meal, but there are snacks and fruit laid out in the kitchen already if you’re hungry. Filtered water machines are in the kitchen and out by the pool. If one of those is running low, just let me, Max, Petunia, or Victoria know and we can get them switched out.”

He looks right at me then, his piercing eyes sending a shockwave through my entire body. “Did I forget anything?”

I’m torn right in half with indecision. Part of me wants to just smile and shake my head, try to play off the fact that I practically live here and share a bed with this man. But the other part of me wants to rise to the occasion that he’s offering. Be the hostess he clearly sees me to be.

Unfortunately, only one of my warring sides has the longevity of my relationship in mind.

I shake my head and say nothing.

After a beat, Ben nods. “Okay then. Ladies, let’s get you situated.”

Women start rising to their feet and crowding around Ben as he talks about the bedroom situations on the main floor and lower floor of the house. He doesn’t mention the upper floor, where his bedroom is. And mine.

They traipse off down the stairs to the much larger lower floor and I start to head into the kitchen, but I’m stopped by Paul.

“You don’t want to head off with the ladies and get a room? You never know who you’ll get stuck sleeping next to if you don’t.”

I step away so he has to take his hand off my shoulder. “Oh, that’s okay. I’ll just take whatever's left over.”

“Very generous of you. You know?—”

“There you are.” Sally comes up behind Paul and slips her arm through his, turning him to face her. She presses her body against his as she whispers loudly in his ear. “I just scored a private room with a queen bed. Want to be my bedmate?”

Paul’s focus shifts to Sally without another glance in my direction. “Hell, yeah.”

As she leads him toward the stairs, she tosses a wink and a grin over her shoulder.

Taking one for the team, Sal.

The woman has my eternal gratitude, but I know she’s getting something out of the deal as well. Paul’s been the object of her attention ever since I’ve known her. Maybe this was what it took for her to finally make that first move.

I only get a second’s respite before trouble comes my way once more. Ben’s walking toward me, in the same room where he had me pinned to the floor as he fucked me not eighteen hours ago. What are the odds that he’s going to walk over and pull me into his arms in front of all these people?

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