Page 54 of Savage Lover

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It’s not the same, though. I know for sure I’m going to have to spend some time thinking about this, but now’s not that time.

My little prisoner has gotten the door open and is turning to make her escape down the hallway. I watch her go, letting her get almost to the staircase leading back up to the main floor before I bound after her, taking her down in one swoop.

I get another real, honest to god scream for my efforts, the sound is painful, exciting, and gloriously erotic.

“Did you really think you were going to get away from me?”

“Let me go!”

She’s thrashing violently in my arms, her back pinned against the tile staircase. I hold her there easily. My position, and the fact that she can’t access her arms or vision, makes keeping her pinned barely a challenge.

“You know, I was going to go easy on you. I told you that over and over. We were just going to play a little. But that wasn’t good enough for you. You had to go and spoil it by running. Do you know what I’m going to do now?”

“Let me go!” she cries out again, attempting to use her head and teeth to dislodge me.

I laugh, the sound so evil it surprises me. “Nope. That’s incorrect.”

She’s struggled so much that I don’t even have to push her dress up, it’s already bunched around her waist. Her lacy panties are in full view, and damn if they’re not tempting.

Not to mention what waits underneath.

What was it she said in her little speech about consent? And her fun holes. I laugh again at the memory, the sound just as evil as before.

“What’s wrong with you?” she demands.

She’s starting to tire. I can hear it in her voice and feel it in her struggle.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m just trying to have a nice afternoon. You’re the one trying to ruin it.”

“You’re sick.”

I slide my hand under her panties and find her glorious wetness waiting for me. My fingers slip inside her with ease. “Really. Would a sick man do this?” I pump her a few times as she struggles—but this time, she’s struggling to get my hand to brush up against her clit.

“Yes,” she manages to get out, her head hanging back. “That’s exactly what a sick man would do.”

I reach up and pull the top of her dress down with my other hand, her breasts bouncing free. She screams again and thrashes from side to side, causing them to swing. If I could reach them with my mouth while still holding her like this, those delicious looking nipples would be in a world of trouble.

I’m still pressing my fingers into her, pumping hard, and she’s thrashing back and forth, but with a downward pressure that I know is rubbing her just the right way.

My cock is throbbing to be set free to join the fun, but there’s no time for that yet. She’s on the edge, and I can’t decide whether to let her get there.

What kind of punishment would it be if I did?

I stop my movement suddenly, pulling away and using both hands to pull her dress up and over her head, leaving it tangled around her bound arms.

Victoria screams again, but this time in frustration.

She’s naked and feral in my arms, her denied orgasm turning to rage on her lips. I spin her so she’s kneeling on the step above where I kneel, my arm still tight around her waist. I did promise a spanking earlier, and there’s no time like the present.

I lay into her, my palm landing loudly on her ass over and over until her skin is bright pink and she’s wailing.

And then I finally free my cock.

It slides into her drenched core in one hard plunge, and we both gasp at the contact. She’s still trying to hold up her end of the game and fight me, but she can barely manage to shift her shoulders back and forth.

She’s exhausted and trapped and mine. All mine.

I hold her hip with one hand, the other presses firmly into her back so she stays pinned to the staircase while I fuck the living hell out of her. I’m a madman. Something in me must have snapped because I pound into her body over and over like I’m trying to exorcize a demon.

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