Page 43 of Date With Danger

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“They were criminals,” he says, squatting down to calm Shawn and Gus who only get crazier as the treat gets closer

“Oh, right.” I close out of the application and swipe through his phone. Ugh, his phone is so organized. How do people live like this?

Ah, there’s the app I need. Shawn jumps up, putting his paws on Caleb's shoulders who very patiently gets him down and tells him to sit, giving me enough time to share his location with myself and close out of the app. “We’re Tom and Jerry then.”

Caleb stands. “Weren’t they predator and prey?”

“Yes.” Now he’s getting it.

He studies me with a curious expression like he can’t figure me out.

I wish him luck in that endeavor.

“Which one am I?” He takes his phone back from me.

I grin up at him. “I think you know, Agent Harris.”

He shakes his head, seeming to come back to himself, then reaches for the door. “Thanks again for your help. I’ll, uh…see you.”

Yes, he will.

Chapter 17


Maddie is early for our monthly girls’ night, which doesn’t surprise me since she’s always early to everything.

She walks right into my apartment carrying a large skinny box in her arms. “How many times have I told you to lock that door?”

I look up from where I’m laying my parents’ hideous painting face down on the table. “Tell me once more and I might remember.”

She rolls her eyes, not even bothering to respond.

“Did you bring it?” I ask.

“Yes.” She kicks off her shoes and pets each of the dogs before unwrapping the cardstock image of my family. I had her steal it from Connor’s home office. He’ll be ticked when he realizes she replaced it with the hideous painting from Italy. She promised he was overdue for some revenge anyway, something about getting the high school boys to follow her around like paparazzi one night. Their love is…interesting.

I take the photo and hold it up next to the picture frame. It’s the perfect size.

“How was your date last night?” she asks, stretching out her arms and neck. When she’s not coaching, teaching, or making out with my brother, she’s at the gym, like a crazy person. “Did you find the right guy this time?”

“Yes, I did, thank you very much.” I stick my tongue out at her. I wish I could tell her about my stint in undercover work, but alas, I’ve been sworn to secrecy. “And it went well. He’s hot, British, and rich. Oh, and British, did I mention that part?”

Her dark eyes are wide and unblinking. “Please tell me you’re joking, otherwise I have no idea why you’re hanging out with me tonight and not him. It must be getting serious if this was the second date.”

“That’s how long it takes people to get serious these days? I didn’t realize we should be looking at rings already.”

“After that, homes in the suburbs.” She snaps her fingers.

“I’ll tell you all about our rescue pets and our Full House life plan if you help me replace this thing.”

“But you know that means one of you probably dies, and then Connor and I have to move in,” she says.

I cringe. “True. Modern Family it is. You’re the crazy sibling.”

“Aren’t they all crazy?”

“Duh, that’s why we watch it.”

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