Page 34 of Date With Danger

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She stops halfway down the hall, looking back at me. “What?”

“Aren't you going to lock the door?”

“Oh, right. Of course.” She digs through her purse. “I should probably grab my keys too.”

I don’t know if I can keep this woman safe.

Chapter 14


“What does this do?” I ask Caleb, snatching an object off the van desk without looking. His obnoxious partner, Serena Cruz, is behind me, strapping the mic receiver somewhere on my bra strap. At least that’s what she said she was doing. It feels like she’s trying to give me a piercing.

“That’s a pen.” Caleb rubs his forehead. He’s already told me what everything in this van does.

Which is surprisingly very little. I thought the government would have more resources at its disposal considering the amount they took from me in taxes last year.

“And that?” I ask, pointing at a gun they left sitting around. Completely irresponsible by the way.

“It shoots things,” Caleb smirks.

“I’d like to shoot something,” Serena mutters, cinching something on my back.

“Ow!” The pinch knocks me off balance and Caleb steadies me with his hands on my hips. His thumb brushes the exposed skin on my torso and I shiver.

“Would you like to know what these do?” Caleb asks, lifting a pair of handcuffs off the desk.

“Only if it comes with a demonstration.” I pump my eyebrows.

A blush creeps up his cheeks. He thought he had me. It takes more than a pair of government-grade handcuffs to do that.

“Not tonight.” He slips the handcuffs into his back pocket.

Oof. The man is going to give my heart whiplash with all this sexiness.

“So,” I prop my hands on my hips. “Do I get a fake ID and a whole new cover story? What about a foreign princess?” I grin up at Caleb. “I’d look great in a crown.”

“You will be Amelia Quinn,” he says slowly, "because the target has already met you.”

“I guess that means the Tom Cruise face mask disguise is also out of the question.” I sigh dramatically. “I’ll settle for a weapon.”

“No,” both of the grumpy agents say simultaneously.

“Well, you guys are no fun.” I pout.

“If he finds a weapon on you, you’ll be in trouble,” Caleb says.

I tap my fingers on my arm. “See, I think if I’m found without a weapon I might be in more trouble. Besides, if he doesn’t do anything, what's the harm of having one on me? He won’t see it.”

“Where would you keep it?”

I shrug. “The usual places.”

His eyes glint. “Such as?”

“Like…” What are the usual places? I glance down at my shirt, but I barely have anything to hide there anyway. Serena was, unfortunately, and annoyingly correct on that account. “My purse?”

“What if you drop it?”

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