Page 24 of Date With Danger

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I open my mouth again, but he raises a finger to my chin and forces my mouth closed.


“How do you know that man?” Serena asks.

I assume we’re still talking about my date.

I push Caleb’s hand away from my face. “I don’t. Not really. Only that he’s very attractive, and British,” I add. It has the desired effect on Caleb as he scowls at me.

“Are you working with him?” Caleb asks.

I purse my lips and tap my fingers on my leg, drawing out time before I answer for the sole purpose of annoying him.

He kidnapped me. All’s fair in lying and kidnapping.

“That’s a tough question. I mean, I’m not working against him, but I’m not sure what we are yet.”

He frowns so hard lines etch themselves into his forehead like they were carved there.

“So, you’re helping him? Like partners? Are you his accomplice? Does he pay you?”

I hold a hand up. “Okay, whoa, Agent, what kind of woman do you take me for? It was a first date. And I don’t like to kiss and tell.” Only when I feel like it of course.

Caleb’s facial expression shifts. “You were on a date with him?”

“Yeah.” I twirl my hand in the air. “You know, dating. It’s like this thing people do where they get together and talk, sometimes they kiss, but never,” I narrow my eyes at him, “do they push the other out of a fire exit.”

Serena snorts and I appreciate her support. Maybe she’s not so bad.

“Do you have any idea who that man is?” Caleb growls. “He’s a dangerous thief who hurts people.”

Crap. I knew dating apps were going to be the death of me.

Not that I can admit that to Caleb in this current situation. The man tied me to a pole. He’s going to have to work harder if he wants my cooperation.

Besides, it’s Chad. The guy who runs a school for kids with disabilities. Not that I have proof of this.

“I don’t believe you. Chad is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, and I’ve met many. And believe me, my track record is not a thing of beauty. My ex cheated on me for years so if we’re going to split hairs, which one is worse? Being unfaithful or being a criminal? I know what I’d choo—”

“Maybe you should kiss her again to shut her up,” Serena says.

I close my mouth and glare at her. We are enemies again.

Caleb whispers something to her and she rolls her eyes, scowling at me before hopping out of the van. Then he turns to me.

“What do you know about white-collar crimes?” he asks.

I lift a brow. “I’ve watched White Collar five times, I’m fluent in Neal Caffrey.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“Wait.” I sit up straight. “Is Chad like Neal? He just got so much hotter.” I fan my face.

“Amelia.” Caleb grabs my hand away from my face.

I silently will him to hold my hand longer, but he lets go. I rub my palm against my dress, trying to transfer the energy still lingering there to something not directly connected to my heart. This man doesn’t care about me, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing he did.

“I need you to focus,” he says. “This is serious. Chad, that’s not even his real name, by the way, is a very dangerous man.”

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