Page 130 of Date With Danger

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Fifteen minutes later, Lyndi lets out her twentieth yawn, and Amelia and I say our goodbyes. Amelia wheels me this time even though I protested and said I could walk.

I catch our reflection in the elevator door. Her in a hospital gown and fuzzy socks, me in a wheelchair and bandages across my torso. “We make quite the pair, don’t we?” I whisper.

“We do.” She gazes at me through the mirrored image. The elevator opens and she pushes me inside, heaving with all her body weight to get me over the crack. I find her exertion humorous but don’t get up. She’s stronger than I think.

“So, now what?” she asks.

“Now, you try not to put yourself in danger again.”

She drums her fingers on my shoulder. “But I told you, when you finally realized you wanted me, I was going to make you work for it.”

She did. I punch the button to stop the elevator and stand up. It’s a little awkward and a lot painful, but I make it. Then I step around the wheelchair and pin her against the wall.

“Caleb! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

“Amelia, I need you to be safe. Because I need you in my life.” I brush my knuckles along her cheek. "I could barely function when I thought something had happened to you. I couldn’t see anything but my rage and pain. I was a lost boy praying I’d find you in time. Please tell me you’ll be safe. I need you safe.”

She grins up at me. “All you had to do was ask.”

I bite back a smile. “If only you would make it that easy.”

“Caleb, I know you’re afraid to promise forever, so promise me now. Stop pulling away. Just stay.”

This whole time I wanted others to stay, but it was me who needed to exercise the underdeveloped muscles in my heart that aren’t used to sticking around and working through the hard stuff.

“I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes,” I warn.

“I’m the Queen of Mistakes,” she whispers. “And it’s fine because I know how to find you.”

I pull back. “Did you access my location again?”

“No, even better. I bought a tracker.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

Why that’s suggestive, I have no idea.

I tighten my hold on her waist. She’s pure chaos. And I love it. “I’ve been tracking you too.”

She wiggles her brows. “I think that’s the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

“Should I say it again with an accent?” I press a kiss under her ear and she shivers.

“You don’t need to change, Caleb.” She drops her head on my shoulder and at this moment I feel perfectly content to stay. Happy to stay.

“I want you, Amelia. All of you. The crazy included.” I press a kiss to her forehead. “The crazier the better.”

Her hand finds mine and she squeezes. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.”

“I don’t plan on just saying it. I plan on proving it.” I bring our connected hands up to my lips and kiss hers.

“So does this make me your girlfriend?” she asks, biting her bottom lip.

Another kiss. “Yes,” I say.

“Not even going to ask?”

“Do I need to?”

“Nope.” She arches up on her toes. “Because I’m Tom.”

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