Page 84 of Salvation

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Behind us, a man clears his throat. It’s Frank, the Beta we hired to train the horses. He’s in his sixties, a no-nonsense man who lives not far from us.

“Anything you need before I hit the road?” he asks.

“Nothing, thanks,” I say. “See you next week.”

He tips his hat to me and Brooklyn and heads out to his car.

Frank was the first person, besides the other Alphas and me, that Brooklyn feels relaxed around. It took a while for him to earn her trust, but Frank is practical, no-nonsense, and honest to a fault. He doesn’t try to charm anyone, which is probably why Brooklyn likes him. She’s had enough of assholes who use charm to hide that they’re assholes.

I throw my arm around Brooklyn’s shoulders and walk with her back to the main house. It’s a gorgeous clear night, the sunset coloring the sky in rich shades of red.

“Is Camden back yet?” I ask.

“He flew in this afternoon,” she says excitedly. “He and Denver are back at the house.”

When we left our hotel in Seattle, Brooklyn and Denver moved in right away. A military man at heart, Denver only kept the bare essentials at his apartment. He threw most of his stuff out before he flew to Memphis, showing up with a single rolling suitcase. He’s definitely the neatest person in the house; he makes his bed perfectly every morning and has a rigid cleaning schedule that keeps the house spotless. I appreciate his discipline, even if I’m not the kind of guy who enjoys vacuuming all that much.

Camden took a little longer to move. I know it’s been hard for him, leaving his sisters and their families in New Jersey. He’s been alternating weeks with them and weeks here, slowly moving his stuff in, suitcase by suitcase. It hasn’t been easy—I’d never tell him to his face, but I’ve missed him. I hated feeling his emotions through the pack bond, not knowing what got him upset or excited. I also miss his stupid lopsided smile.

His most recent trip will be his last for a while, though there are plans for his sisters to come and visit us next month. Brooklyn and I have talked to them on the phone quite a bit, but their visit will be the first time they’re officially meeting their brother’s Omega. She tries to hide how nervous she is about meeting them, even though Cam has assured her probably a thousand times that they’re going to love her. I’m pretty excited to meet them, myself. Honestly, I never thought I would like this many people.

But I do.

I like Frank, and Camden’s sisters. I like the two veterans Denver met at a boxing gym and brought over for beers. I might not need his friends to be my friends, but I don’t mind having them around.

Most of all, I like having my Pack around me. Camden, Denver, and Brooklyn make my life better and brighter, and I never want them to leave.

Brooklyn shivers under my arm. “Winter’s coming,” she says. “Nights are starting to get chilly.”

“Winters in Memphis are not like winters in Washington,” I remind her. “Some days, you won’t even need a coat.”

“Not when I’ve got you as my personal human space heater,” she says, snuggling into me.

Two figures are waiting for us on the wraparound porch. I don’t have to see them to know it’s Camden and Denver, waiting for us. A shiver runs through me, too, but it’s not the cold. It’s anticipation.

Tonight, we’re bonding with our Omega.

Brooklyn has been showing signs of her heat coming for a few days, and we decided that it was time to make things official. It’s been a little frustrating to have her this close without bonding, but seeing how excited she is today, I’m glad we waited. I can’t resist kissing the top of her head affectionately.

The other Alphas both greet her with a kiss. Camden kisses her passionately, happy to see her after a week apart. Denver is more patient—he knows he’s got plenty awaiting him inside.

I take Brooklyn’s hand and lead her down the hallway to her nest room. Denver opens the door, and she gasps with delight.

We’ve all brought her a few surprises to make it special. We didn’t want to mess with the nest itself too much, not when she’s already arranged it so carefully, but I can tell that we’ve pleased her with our changes. Denver hung some string lights that bathe the room in warm light. Camden picked wildflowers to make his own bouquets, reminding her of the flowers he picked for her back in Olympic. Colorful bunches of blooms sit in the corners of the room.

I reach into my pocket to press the remote control. Music filters into the room from hidden speakers, guitars vibrating softly through the air. I was waiting for the right time to surprise Brooklyn with the sound system I installed. She looks at me with amazement.

“Firebrand?” she says softly.

I can’t help my grin. “Camden told me you love them.”

Cam takes her hand in his. “We wanted tonight to be perfect.”

Her pupils grow wider, her smile one of pure satisfaction. “It already is.”

Denver pulls her into his arms, kissing her fiercely. His body looks massive next to Brooklyn’s tiny frame, but she has total power over him. Over all of us.

He releases her, letting me kiss her next. She tastes perfect, fresh and wild and uniquely her. I bury my fingers in her dark hair, pulling it tight so she gasps against my lips. A deep purr of satisfaction emanates from my chest, and I hear her answer in kind.

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