Page 34 of Salvation

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I hear heavy footsteps as the other guys run back to meet us.

“What happened?” Denver demands.

“Her heat. The pain’s so bad, she collapsed,” I explain.

“It’s okay. I can walk,” she says, trying vainly to push herself to her feet. After a moment, she sighs in defeat. We all know there’s no way she can go any further.

“I’ll carry you.”

She bites her lip as she glances up at me. “Really?” she asks softly.

“Of course. It’s no trouble,” I say.

At the same time, Denver says, “No goddamn way.”

I glare daggers at the guy. I’m not some child who needs a babysitter. For the past few hours, my self-control has been pristine. Chewing the mint helped but so did talking to Brooklyn. I genuinely like her now, the thoughtful, sarcastic survivor who’s shown us so much strength. My feelings make it easier to push down my more animal impulses.

“I can do it,” Camden pipes up.

“You’re already carrying supplies for two,” I point out. “Denver’s got plenty in his pack, as well. I got this.”

“Are you sure?” Denver asks.

“I’ve carried a hundred pound buck thirty miles uphill in a rainstorm.,” I snap. “I can handle one little Omega, for as long as she needs me to.”

Denver and Camden exchange glances. I know they weren’t questioning my physical strength—it’s my Alpha instincts they’re worried about. I can tell they don’t want to bring that up in front of Brooklyn, but I don’t care. I’m ready to defend myself.

“What about your backpack?” Denver prods.

“We’ve all got backpacks. I’ll carry her in the front,” I explain. “We can use some rope to rig her so she doesn’t have to work and hold herself up. And we’re wasting time arguing about this. If Brooklyn’s fine with it, then I’m carrying her. End of story.”

I refuse to give in. When they wanted Camden to be the one to knot her, I stepped aside. This time, I’m not giving up. If they want proof I can handle myself around Brooklyn, this is how they get it. I doubted myself before, but now I’m positive. I’d slit my throat before I hurt this girl. She’s in no danger from me.

“I want him to.”

Our heads all spin to Brooklyn who is still sitting on the forest floor. She looks like she’s tired of listening to us arguing, and frankly, I can’t blame her. I shoot the other guys a knowing look, and Denver sighs. None of us is ready to refuse Brooklyn anything when her pain’s this bad.

“Let’s get you hooked up,” Camden says.

We end up attaching a rope to my pack straps that loops under Brooklyn’s butt. It’s almost like she’s in a little hammock. I take a few practice steps, and find it’s not awkward to carry her.

“Let’s get going, then,” Denver orders.

I quickly find that carrying Brooklyn feels incredible. Her scent surrounds me deliciously, and I love how small she feels in my arms. Being this close seems to be helping her, too. She’s not shaking as much as she was when I first picked her up. Her body must assume that if an Alpha’s this close, he’ll probably knot her pretty damn soon.

She shifts slightly, getting comfortable.

“Is it okay if I put my head on your shoulder?” she whispers.

Yes. Do it. Then don’t ever move. I can hold you forever.

“Of course,” I say out loud.

She makes a small contented sound, settling in and wrapping her arms around my neck. Her soft breath brushes my neck, and I fucking shiver. Holding her like this feels so right. The way she fits against me is so perfect, it’s like she was made for me. The soft curves of her thighs rest on one of my forearms, while the other wraps securely around her torso.

The self-control I felt before is slipping away with every second. I’m getting hard, my erection pressing uncomfortably through the seam of my pants. I just hope Brooklyn can’t feel it.


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