Page 11 of Salvation

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It’s her expression. The way she looks away from the camera like she’s seeking something just out of reach. I can’t stop wondering, what is she hoping to find?

That’s the problem with looking for a person. I don’t feel at one with the wilderness out here. No, here I’m an intruder, looking to take something that the forest has already claimed as its own.

Suddenly, Denver’s face changes. I spot his nostrils flaring.

He’s scented something.

I sniff too, but I don’t smell anything but campfire smoke.

Now, Denver’s scanning the trees around us, looking for something. If we’re lucky, someone.

He gestures to get Camden’s attention too, then makes some hand motions. Like a come-hither gesture followed by a clenched fist. Trying to communicate something to us.

Too bad Camden and I don’t know his secret military code.

“What?” Camden asks blankly.

I smirk at the frustrated look on Denver’s face. “It means stay quiet,” he whispers. “We have company.”

That can only mean one thing.

“The Omega?” I ask.

Camden raises his brows. “I can’t tell what shocks me more. That she found us before we could find her, or that Memphis actually speaks.”

I don’t bother to acknowledge the crack. Because if Denver has really scented her, that means everything has changed. We may no longer be trying to find a corpse to bring a family peace. She’s alive.

This hunt is going to end the right way.

“She’s close,” Denver says, keeping his voice so low it’s barely audible above the soft roar and hiss of the fire.

I can tell by his flashing hazel eyes that he’s excited, too. “I can’t tell her exact location, but she knows we’re here. She’s probably watching us.”

“If she really is lost, why wouldn’t she come ask for help?” Camden muses and I want to roll my eyes at his naivety.

Denver’s jaw tightens. “She’s an unbonded Omega without suppressants. She’s smart—she’s keeping her distance for a reason.”

“Speaking of, guess it’s time for those suppressants,” Camden says.

I head toward my pack to retrieve them. But when I lift the side flap, I’m met with an extremely shitty surprise.

The little black box is gone.


I start tearing through my gear, even if I know in my gut there’s no hope. I don’t throw stuff randomly in my pack. My supplies are chosen and stored carefully. I know for a fact I put the rut suppressants in that pocket, and if they aren’t there, that means they’re long gone.

Denver and Camden are watching me intently when I look up.

“What’s wrong?” Camden asks.

“They’re gone.” I can barely force myself to say the words. “The suppressants must have fallen out of my bag. No idea when. They could be miles back the way we came.”

My teeth clench together so hard that it hurts. How could I have let this happen? I never make mistakes like that. Securing my supplies is second nature. Those suppressants were irreplaceable, and now that the Omega’s within reach, they’re an absolute necessity. We’ll never be able to get her home safely without them.

I’ve failed her.

To my surprise, Denver sets a hand on my shoulder. His expression is one of quiet reassurance. “Hey. What’s done is done,” he tells me. “No beating yourself up. Right now, we need all your focus on what we do next.”

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