Page 8 of Claimed By Priest

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It was the first thing I noticed when she climbed into bed and attached herself to my side before immediately falling asleep.

I clench and unclench my fist as I try to shift under her, so her thigh is not pressed so close to my raging erection, but the move has her clinging tighter, and I have to bite back a groan at the pleasure that shoots up my spine. My eyes shoot to the alarm clock, and I groan when I realize it’s only three in the morning. Unless I am willing to leave the bed entirely and risk waking the clearly exhausted girl, I’ll have to bear it.

This is truly a test of my control.

“Am I too heavy?” A soft sultry voice breaks through the otherwise silent room, shocking me. “I’m sorry for lying down like this, but it’s just so cold and your body is a furnace.”

Fuck, does that mean she can feel my erection pressed up against her?

“I thought you were asleep,” I say, clenching my teeth against another groan when the temptress moves up a bit, brushing her thigh against my hard cock.

“I can’t sleep,” she whispers. “Every time I close my eyes, I see the masked men grab me from the police car and shove a gun against my head, threatening to shoot me if I made a noise.”

My jaw clenches harder at her words, the need to punish the men in the Barn growing by the second, but a logical part reminds me there are more people involved in the scheme. “You’re safe now,” I promise.

Long seconds tick by before she props herself up on an elbow and looks down at me, her eyes meeting mine in the dimly lit room. It’s light enough to see her clearly though, since she’d shyly asked me to leave the en suite bathroom’s light on before we climbed into bed. Given everything she’s been through, I can understand why she’d be afraid of the dark now, and I was happy to grant her request.

Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of blue. I’d thought so when I first saw her, and with her so close, I can read the innocence in them that slowly undoes me. She brings out a protective side I never knew I had.

A side that wants to bask in that innocence and protect it from the rest of the world.

The Black Chains came so close to shattering that innocence in her eyes, and my blood boils just thinking about it.

“You’re the first decent bad guy I’ve met since coming to Austin,” she whispers, breaking into a laugh when my brows draw in confusion. The sound she lets out is light and airy, and it sends my heart tugging with longing, and I realize I would do anything to hear it every day. “Nana always told me not to judge a book by the cover, but I never believed her until I came here. Thank you for saving my life, Priest.”

Sky leans down and brushes her lips to the side of my mouth. It’s nothing more than a touch of skin, but it sends my heart thumping in my chest and cock leaking in my sweats.

I want her!

She must feel my cock move—what with it pressed against her thigh—because her eyes widen with a look of wonder. I know she reads the desire written on my face as her cheeks slowly darken to a pretty rosy tinge.

She bites into her lips, and her eyes dart down to my mouth before meeting mine again. That is all it takes to snap at my control. I bring my hand to her hair and wrap her long golden waves around my fist. Her lips part on a gasp when I tug lightly at her hair, all the while watching for her reaction under my heated gaze.

“If you want to thank me with a kiss, then let me show you how I like it.”

Her chest rises and falls quickly, pushing her perfect tits against my pecs, causing a harsh throb in my cock. I bring my free hand to her ass and shift her over me, so my erection is between her legs, and . . . I give her a moment to protest, to push me away, but her pretty blue gaze stays on mine. Her perfect eyes grow dazed when I rock my hard cock against her cloth-covered sex, fighting with everything I have not to shoot in my sweatpants.

She’d taken a shower when we’d gotten to my room, it was the only time she’d let me out of her sight for more than a few minutes. Now she’s wearing one of my old T-shirts and a pair of my boxers. It’d be so easy to strip her bare.

When I bring my lips up to meet hers, her eyes flutter to a close.

“Priest,” she whimpers against my lips, her breath coming in short pants.

Mine! comes the unbidden thought.

I’ve never thought of a woman in this way before. Sure, I’ve enjoyed their company, but it never crossed my mind to keep them longer than a few hours. As the president of the biggest motorcycle club in Austin, I already have too much on my plate to bother with entertaining women, but with Sky . . . I can’t imagine not having her watching me the way she is right now. Like the sun and the moon hang over my head.

I can’t imagine her looking at any other guy this way.

Fuck it!

With a harsh groan, I press my lips hard against hers, urging her to open up for me. I tug at her hair, which makes her lips part for my tongue, and fucking hell, she tastes like heaven. It’s intoxicating. She whimpers as she shyly gives into my advances, opening up more for me as I slide our tongues together in a wet hungry kiss. Soon, I am drunk from the taste and warm texture of her lips.

My heart hammers as I devour her sexy little mouth, and when she starts writhing and mewling with her body rocking against my throbbing cock, she threatens to push me to the edge.

It’s tempting . . . so fucking tempting to tear off the clothes standing in the way between my cock and her sexy little cunt, drive into her warmth, and spend the entire night buried inside her. Christ, I want to palm those perfect tits pressed up against me, take the little rosy buds into my mouth, and suck until the whole clubhouse hears her, but . . . I don’t want to scare her. Not when I am practically dripping with the need to fuck her.

She can’t handle me, not like this.

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