Page 24 of Claimed By Priest

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I nod frantically, dipping my hand between us to rub at the tight bundles of nerves, the friction of my fingers against my clit sending me over the edge with little warning as the explosion breaks through, sending stars shooting behind my eyes as my sex cinches hard around his wide girth. He’s an animal, so feral as he pounds into me until he follows me off the cliff.

“Fuck!” he roars, his muscles bunching a second before I feel him spill his warm seed into my wet heat, rocking his hips faster and harder into me until I am a broken, sobbing mess in his lap. “Fuck, princess. I love you. You’re everything to me,” he breathes roughly into my ear.

He’s everything to me, too.

Before him and the Steel Order MC, I had no one. Just a lost girl wandering a strange city for anyone to take advantage of, and he saved me.

He became my world too, and perhaps if my heart wasn’t pounding in my ears and I wasn’t gasping for air, I would tell him that. Instead, I settle for wrapping my arms around him, burying my face in his neck, and making a silent wish to the stars for a future with this man.

A happy, loving future with my gentle giant.


Two Years Later


The blindfold was a bad idea.

Guiding a man my size through a field of rocks and twigs is never a good idea, but I am a man in love and would do anything the love of my life asks of me. Hell, I know I would walk into a burning flame if she wanted me to.

“Can you please trust me? I’m not going to let you fall.” My wife’s enchanting voice distracts me from the disaster that is waiting to happen. Her siren call is a soft melody that dances in the air, filling my heart with warmth and love. When she laughs, it’s bright and airy, filled with so much tenderness, it makes me fall even deeper in love with her, something I never thought could happen.

“Princess . . .”

“We’re almost there,” she whispers giddily, her pure joy transferring to me, and I find myself smiling too. I have been doing a lot of that lately.

“We’ve been walking for an hour.”

“You are just being dramatic. It hasn’t even been ten minutes,” she scolds. “How is it I never noticed how impatient you are?”

Because we did everything backward. Unlike most people who date then get married, Sky and I did the opposite. We got married first and then slowly learned the other’s unique quirks. Like her little habit of rearranging the furniture in the middle of the night when she can’t sleep. It wasn’t until I stubbed my toe on the way to get a glass of water one night that I made it a habit not to walk in the dark around the house. Or even more charming, the way she used to trade the cigarettes in my jacket pockets for snacks or lip balm or any number of random trinkets.

I choke back a laugh at the memory of the one time during an operation to catch the cop who’d been working with the traffickers, I reached into my jacket for my cigarettes only to find them replaced with a tube of shiny pink lip gloss. Knight had looked over right at that moment and let me know that rose wasn’t really my color. He still hasn’t let me live it down. The message to quit smoking was clear. Suffice it to say, I never touched another cigarette from that day.

The memory of finally catching the motherfucker that was taking advantage of his position in the community as a police officer who could be trusted and facilitating the kidnapping of vulnerable girls is still fresh in my mind. My brothers had a field day working on him in the Barn before we finally released them to our contact on the force with enough evidence to put him away.

It’s been two years since then. The Steel Order MC sponsored the construction of a women’s shelter dedicated to being a safe haven for women and girls with no place else to go. We make sure everyone knows the place is under our protection and that anyone who touches the vulnerable people at the shelter would be answering to us.

The Broken Chains are also no more. After their president orchestrated Sky’s kidnapping as payback for me beating his nephew and disrupting his trafficking ring, I made sure he’d never again be a problem. We absorbed all of their businesses and territory, along with most of their members. Anyone who wanted to join our MC was welcome, as long as they agreed to play by our rules. Those who had a role in Sky’s kidnapping or the human trafficking ring were given the same level of mercy they’d shown the young women they’d kidnapped.

“We’re here!” Sky beams, her voice drawing me back to the present. She tugs the blindfold off my face, and when my eyes lock on her clear blues, I am hypnotized, sucked back into her web.

“How did I land someone as beautiful and gorgeous as you?” I rasp, watching with satisfaction as her cheeks flush a pretty rosy hue. She brushes her hair behind her ear before looking away, but I don’t miss the shy smile that grazes her lips.

“Stop looking at me and focus on the present I worked so hard on.”

My eyes shift from her and sweep around the place my wife has brought me. The slight tension in me eases when I realize we’re still on the private land of the Steel Order’s clubhouse. The spot is secluded, ringed by trees that often act as a natural cover to our land.

The spot we’re standing on is surrounded by tall swaying grass and wildflowers. In the middle, there’s a cozy picnic blanket laid out with a large picnic basket sitting in its center with a small box next to it. The gentle breeze carries the scents of nature, mingling with the delicious aroma of brewed coffee.

The only sounds I hear are the rustling leaves and the distant chirping of birds. It’s just us, I realize, intimately surrounded by nature.

“How did you get everything down here?” I ask, marveling at her hard work, but my eyes are focused on the box next to the basket seated in the middle of the spread blanket. A part of me suspects what lies inside, but I say nothing, unwilling to ruin her surprise.

“I found prospects to help me carry everything with the promise to let them ride your bike later.”

My head spins to her so fast, I almost give myself whiplash, but the tension dissipates when I am met by her laughing face. “Oh my God, you should have seen your face.” She doubles over with laughter.

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