Page 13 of Claimed By Priest

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Priest is like a man possessed as he buries his face between my legs, licking and sucking at my sex like a starved animal. He finds new ways to drive me to the brink with his tongue as he stiffens it before flicking my trembling clit so hard, I have to slap a hand on my mouth to stop the scream that builds up in my throat.

“Daddy,” I sob, my heels digging into his back as he teases the bundle of nerves I had no idea were so sensitive until I met this man. “Yes, Daddy!”

My back arches off the wall as he devours me, lapping at my arousal with the flat of his tongue, and when his mouth closes around my clit and sucks, that’s all it takes to send me careening over the edge as the world explodes around me.

This man wrecks me. His tongue strokes me through the orgasm and leaves me a quivering mess. Priest slowly lowers me to my feet, and it’s a wonder I don’t plummet to the floor what with the way my knees are trembling.

“Goddamn, princess, you’re so perfect when you come apart in my arms.” He brushes his lips over mine, and I can taste myself on his tongue when he deepens the kiss. “When I come back, you better be ready for me. I’ll not stop until I have shot my seed inside your tight little cunt and marked you as mine.”

With a last peck to the lips, Priest turns around and leaves me panting against the wall. I barely make it upstairs to his bedroom and close the door before my knees give in and I slowly slide down the wall.

It should terrify me.

This world I have stumbled into should scare the hell out of me and send me running back to my small town, and yet, all I can think about is when I’ll see Priest again.

The gentle giant that has so quickly wormed his way into my heart.

Chapter Six


“I’m in a terrible mood, so you better start talking,” I say, walking into the Barn, eyes on the three men kneeling on the cold hard floor before me.

The Barn, as we call our interrogation building, is a small structure situated in a remote corner of the MC’s private property. These days, with the club edging more and more toward legitimate business, we rarely need to use the Barn for its intended purpose. But the need still arises more often than I’d like.

The Barn is a small structure, roughly twenty feet square. There’s a concrete floor with a drain in the center and soundproofed, tin walls. The room is devoid of any natural light, and whatever unfortunate soul is inside won’t be able to tell what time of the day it is. It’s basically a metal box, and it’s hot as fuck. Only the club’s senior officials have access to the Barn or even know of its existence.

It’s been a while since I have been called to visit the Barn; I’m usually content to leave its occupants for the club’s enforcers to deal with. Today, I’m not in the best mood. My fingers are itching for a fight, and the men kneeling on the floor must sense it too because they try to shuffle back when their eyes lock on me, but there is nowhere to go. They are trapped.

“W-we don’t know anything,” the oldest of the three men blurts. He can’t be a year over thirty, but his sunburned face and thinning hair make him look haggard.

“We both know that’s not true,” I say, rolling my sleeves up. “But perhaps you need my help to remember.”

There is no remorse as I work over the men. There is little moral code when it comes to criminals, but kidnapping innocent people and trafficking them is not something the Steel Order MC will abide. Most clubs in our area don’t, but the Black Chains will do anything for money.

By the time I am done, I have a list of names of all the people who aided the men in trafficking the girls last night and the date for the next transfer.

“What do we do about the nephew?” Knight asks stepping up to me and nodding at a whimpering young man on the floor. “We don’t want to bring a fight to our doorstep because of some dumb kid.”

“Get rid of the other two, then send this one back to his uncle with the message to stay out of our territory,” I tell him. “The Black Chains needs to know what happens when you cross us.”

Knight nods and calls Reaper to help deal with the mess.

Normally, this would be the end of it. As our rivals, the Black Chains expect us to retaliate if caught on our turf, so sending their president’s nephew back to him broken and bloody—but alive—would be seen simply as the Steel Order defending our territory. We don’t make it a habit to get involved in social justice matters considering the illegal businesses we dabble in ourselves, but I won’t stand by and watch as innocent young girls are kidnapped and sold.

And Sky . . . she’s one of us.

She’s mine!

And I need her now. Beating these idiots has done nothing to settle the raging storm in my head, and I know just where I need to go to calm down, but before I can leave, someone steps in my path.

Knight’s serious expression draws me up short, and I can see there is something on his mind. “What?” I ask with a sigh.

“Look man, you know I don’t normally worry about your hookups, but that girl . . .”

“What about her?”

“I ran a background check on her,” he says, bracing himself for a verbal lashing, but I stay calm, waiting for him to finish what he needs to say. “We’ve been best friends for twenty years, and I know that, while you’re not completely an asshole, you don’t really give a shit about many people, so when you brought the girl back with you, I was curious about her. I called our connection at the police department to look into her.”

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