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“That was sarcasm,” Keegan sighed. “What are you doing on Saturday next week?”

“Why?” Julia asked skeptically, turning the television down just a notch. “Whatever it is, I’m sure I have plans.”

“You never have plans,” Keegan scoffed.

“That’s,” Julia dragged out the word, “not entirely incorrect.”

“What are you doing?” she asked again.

“Probably the usual.” Julia shrugged. “I have some evaluation notes I have to get caught up on. A few more applications to weed through for transportation.”

“Those aren’t plans, Julia. That’s work. Ben and I are going to that new Italian place on Chestnut Street,” she began.

“That sounds like fun for you two,” Julia cut in, wanting desperately to turn the conversation back on her for once.

“And,” Keegan continued, “you’re coming too!”

“And why would I want to be the third wheel listening to you fight with your husband?”

“Because you’re our double date,” she said, grinning mischievously.

Julia’s eyes went wide as Erin held back a loud laugh. She didn’t even try to hide it.

“You’re what?”

“Double da–”

“I know what you said, Keegan. With whom?”

Julia gulped down the rest of her wine, reaching for the chardonnay next. She’d need it. You know those barrels they age wine in? Might as well just leave one on the front porch. Did she still have some vodka stuffed in the back of the liquor cabinet? Maybe that would be more appropriate.

“A friend of Ben’s from work.”

Keegan should have been born a blond. She invited Erin over to get to know her better, to find out more about her. Well, that’s what she claimed. Really, she just wanted Julia to see her outside of work, to allow those feelings she confessed to root a little deeper.

And yet? A double date? Mercy. Please, have mercy.

“You are trying to set me up with a boring marketing executive?” Julia’s voice was unknowingly a shout. She couldn’t hide her frustration, her betrayal.

It isn’t that she was truly mad; she was just appalled that Keegan thought that moment would be a good time to tell her. Even if Erin wasn’t there, it wasn’t like the last few blind dates she set her up on went well.

“You promised me after that ridiculous debacle with your soccer mom friend that you would stop setting me up!”

Erin sat back, amusement written in plain Times New Roman text across her face. She had snacks, a good drink, and a front-row seat to the most interesting show around town. Maybe there would be shouts, maybe tears, maybe laughs. Who knew!

“I have to hear about this soccer mom,” Erin interjected with a wink for Julia.

“You will hear about nothing,” Julia argued, holding back a smile. She turned back towards Keegan, who was mischievously still staring at the game. “Who is it this time?”

“Ben’s partner, Lauren.”

“Lauren? Stick up her ass, Lauren?” Julia choked.

“She’s your type,” said Keegan.

“Stick up her ass is Julia’s type?” Erin laughed.

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