Page 91 of Beautiful Villain

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“A bomb? What is this? Mission impossible? That’s ridiculous,” she scoffs derisively.

“Small explosive devices are actually one of my specialties,” Vik boasts proudly.

Blinking, her mouth falls open. “So, you’ve done this before?”

He shrugs. “A plane? No. But cars, buildings, safes, containers, even a couple of boats, yes.”

Sighing dramatically, she cups her face with her hands and closes her eyes as if she’s searching for patience. After a long moment, she drops her hands and lifts her chin. “I thought you wanted to kidnap him? You said you planned to torture, maim, and then kill him slowly and painfully for what he did to Vik’s sister.”

“Dead is dead,” Vik tells her before I have a chance to speak. “Would I love to cut him apart piece by piece; dragging his death out for months? Yes. But the important thing is that he’s gone. Although blowing him into a million bits might be quick and possibly a little too painless, ultimately, if he’s dead, I’m happy.”

“Right.” She nods like she agrees, but it’s clear she’s shell shocked and trying not to show it. “One fake marriage wasn’t enough. Now I have two. Two fake husbands before I can even legally drink. Great.” Shaking her head, she sighs. “I don’t want to think about any of this. You guys do whatever you need to do and I’ll just pretend this is all just a luxury vacation. Maybe after this is all over, I’ll wake up in my bed at home, and wonder what the hell kind of nightmare this all was.”

“As soon as he’s dead, we’ll have a proper wedding. You in a white dress, us in tuxedos, the full nine yards,” Lev says softly.

“I don’t want to be married; I’ve never wanted to be married. I don’t want a husband. I don’t want babies. I just want to be a normal twenty-year-old.”

“Tough,” I snarl.

“Tough?” she repeats.

“Yes, tough. You’ll be our wife and you’ll be the mother of our babies and then we’ll all live happily ever fucking after.”

Pushing back from the table, she glares at me, then turns and walks away.



It’s official, my life has become a really bad telenovela. Kidnap, murder, not one, but two fake marriages, and three too hot to be normal guys. All I need now is an identical twin sister I had no idea existed, and I’d officially be in a TV show, or a really outlandish book.

Storming away from the guys, I almost walk straight into Tanya. It’s the first time I’ve seen her in a day or so and she does not look any more pleased to see me than she did the last time we spoke, when she told me the guys were hers.

“Whore,” she hisses. “I saw you outside, putting on a show for my men, luring them away from me with your filthy whore cunt.”

“Fuck you,” I yell, storming past her and toward the stairs. At the last minute, I turn and head toward the TV room, throwing myself dramatically down on the couch. My head is spinning. I have so much fucked-up information whirring around inside of me and I have no idea how to process it all.

Dimi and Vik are going to leave. They’re going to Alaska to blow up a plane. Orlov, my bio dad’s bestie who also happens to be a psycho, rapist, and abuser, had a fake marriage certificate created to say he married me when I was fourteen. And now, not only am I stuck here with three men that I don’t truly hate any more, but apparently, they have plans for a white wedding and a brood of babies.

Nope. No. No way. This is all too much. It’s hard enough trying to come to terms with the fact that I don’t despise the guys who kidnapped me anymore. I should. I really, really should. But I don’t. Maybe it’s all the sex. Or all the orgasms.

So many orgasms.

But now when I think about them, my immediate thought isn’t how can I get free of them, it’s how many times will they make me come before I fall asleep, safe in their arms.

I’m still angry that they kidnapped me. I’m not so weak minded that I’ve forgiven them for stealing my life. But a part of me is wondering what was so great about what I left behind. Columbus, Georgia is a nice place, but it’s not paradise. I was overworked, underpaid, stressed and broke. Here, I have zero responsibilities; money isn’t an issue and I have three men who seem to agree that keeping me full of their cum and in a perpetual orgasm haze, is their full-time job.

All three of them believe that part of the reason they took me was to protect me from my sperm donor’s evil buddies. And obviously I’m glad I’m not on my way to Russia. But would any of them have ever looked for me if Dimi, Lev, and Vik hadn’t started this war by poisoning Grigoriy? They doomed me and saved me at the same time. Which I guess is a pretty accurate description of how I feel about my life right now. Doomed and saved. Drowning, but soothed by the water.

I’m conflicted. Dimi killed someone, right there in front of me, but he did it because in his own possessive, controlling way, he was protecting me. All three of them are protecting me, but if I wasn’t a part of this life they’ve dragged me into, I wouldn’t need their protection. Everything about this oddly compelling relationship I think I’m in with them, is a double edged sword.

I refuse to think about them wanting me to have their babies. That’s the me in ten years dilemma. The me of right now is on birth control, and incredibly grateful for free clinics. The wedding thing is a moot point, because to my knowledge there are not many countries that have legal polygamist weddings, so marrying them all isn’t something I need to consider.

“Hey,” Vik says, stepping into the room.

“Oh Jesus, go away. I need some space to think.”

“You need to think about how you’re speaking to us, Baby. Much more sass and your ass is going to be paying the price,” he drawls, his tone light and amused as he threatens to spank me.

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