Page 89 of Beautiful Villain

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Passing over my cell, he reads the email, hissing and cursing beneath his breath. When he’s finished, he hands the cell to Vik and stares at me expectantly. “What do we do now?”

“We offer to meet in Alaska to hand her over, the plan stays the same,” I tell him, my voice cold and firm.

“If they take her to Russia with the marriage certificate, we’ll never get her back,” Vik snarls.

“She’s not going anywhere near Russia. She’s not leaving this island. Vik and I will go to Alaska, Lev, you’ll stay here with Alabama. We can’t risk taking Orlov, but we’ll poison him, same as Polakoff, he’ll be back in Russia before he even realizes he’s ill.”

“That won’t work, he’ll know something is up when you show up without her,” Lev points out.

“Fine, then we’ll blow up the plane before they even get to fucking Alaska,” I snarl.

“I mean, that’s an option. Obviously, not before they get here, unless we can get into Russia and get to the plane beforehand. But we could have them come to Alaska for the meet, take someone as a decoy Ali, then plant something on the plane and boom boom, bye bye the moment they hit international waters,” Vik suggests with a careless shrug.

“Who can we use as a decoy Alabama?” Lev asks.

“I’m sure Greyson knows someone who can be easily bought with loose morals and a skillset that’ll give her a chance to not die if it turns into a fight.” Nodding to myself, I take back my cell from Vik. “I’ll call him.”

Standing, I stride far enough away that my voice won’t disturb Alabama, and hit call. Throughout the entire conversation, my eyes stay fixed to her. She’s asleep, but not peaceful. Fine tremors run through her body, making her shudder as her head shakes from side to side and her mouth silently opens and closes.

I tell Greyson what we’re planning, and as always, he says he has exactly what we need. I met the head of our security team when I was in college. He wasn’t there studying; he was acting as a bodyguard for the daughter of a foreign dignitary. At the time, I’d never even heard of the girl’s father and it’d felt like overkill to have a guard following her around campus and even attending class with her.

He’s a little older than us, maybe five years, and even without knowing me, he knew exactly what I was. I don’t know if it was a case of like recognizing like, or maybe predators can just sense other predators. Either way, we became friends and kept in touch. Money brings power but it also brings people who want to take that power. Successful people sometimes have enemies, but people like us always do and even for the three of us, with the skill set that we have, it’s impossible to be both moving forward and watching your back. The first time someone took a pot shot at Lev, I called Greyson and offered him a job. Now he watches our backs for us and he’s probably the only man alive, outside of my brothers, who I’d trust Malishka with. He’d protect her to his dying breath, because that’s just the type of man he is.

“Greyson says he knows someone,” I tell them as I sit back down on the lounger. I want to go to her and pull her into my arms, but I know that wouldn’t help right now. She chose to sit on a separate seat and told us she didn’t consent to us touching her, because we wouldn’t allow her to leave. She’s forcing distance between us by sleeping.

If we were upstairs, her sleep probably wouldn’t stop me from claiming her, just like I did this morning. But she clearly said no and as much as I want to, I won’t cross that line and touch her, even if I know I can make her like it.

Sighing, I look toward the house, where Roza is setting the table for breakfast. How can it be so early, when it feels like today has already lasted an eternity?

“Should we wake her?” Lev asks.

“Not ’til we have to. What was with you making her walk out here naked anyway?” Vik asks. “Not that I’m complaining about the easy access, but she just watched Dimi kill the perv, probably not the best time for a naked catwalk.”

“She was blaming herself. I explained that it didn’t matter if we were having a fucking orgy right there in the open, his job was to guard, not ogle. I made her come out here with no clothes on to drill home the fact that the only people who will ever get to see her like that, is us, and that if anyone else does, we’ll kill them too, and we won’t fucking apologize for it,” Lev says passionately.

“Risky,” I tell him. “What if Greyson or the new guard that replaced the dead guy had looked?”

“They wouldn’t have. Which I also explained. Our loyal staff would avert their gazes, because they know she belongs to us, and that we won’t tolerate others putting their eyes on her,” Lev snarls.

Pursing my lips, I nod. “How long do you think she’ll be pissy for?”

“Long enough to drive us crazy, but not long enough that any of us go back to smurf balls.” Laughing, Vik slides his much bigger body onto the lounger beside her, not touching her with his hands, but pressing himself right up close behind her.

“Where did you fuck her?” I ask Lev.

“In the guest bathroom. She got sick, so I found her a toothbrush so she could use to freshen up with. She started spouting bullshit, so I bent her over and fucked some sense into her with my dick in her cunt and the handle of a hairbrush in her ass.” He snickers.

“Whose hairbrush was it?” Vik grimaces.

“Who cares whose fucking hairbrush it was? What matters is that she fucking loved feeling my dick in her pussy and something in her ass too. She’ll take us and she’ll love every fucking minute,” Lev enthuses, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

My cell vibrates and I pull it out, finding a text from Greyson.

Greyson: Female decoy is a go. She’ll meet us in Alaska as soon as we have a date.

Me: Perfect. I’ll keep you updated.

“Greyson has found us an Alabama decoy. I’ll email the lawyer and arrange a drop date. We’re going to need intel on his plane. I’ll find out if he’s using Polakoff’s jet, or if he has his own. Vik, you build an explosive device that can annihilate a plane. Lev, you design a remote detonator. I’ll get our alibis arranged and make sure everyone at that airfield is ours.”

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