Page 83 of Beautiful Villain

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Soon I’ll have to admit to drugging, touching, and bathing her while she was unconscious, but not today. Today is a day for hedonism and for all four of us to become the family we all so desperately want to be. When the time comes for me to confess my sins, I will. Then I’ll take her anger and anything else she needs, until she can forgive me.

“What time is it?” Vik asks, rubbing his palm over her ass, then leaning down to press a kiss to one of her cheeks.

“Early, six thirty a.m., maybe seven a.m.,” Lev answers.

“Anyone up for a morning swim?”

“No,” Malishka moans, her voice muffled by the pillow.

“Yes. You need to practice every day, it’s the quickest way to learn,” Lev reminds her.

“No.” She elongates the word.

“Practice swimming for a while, then we’ll find you a floaty chair and you can float while we do laps,” Lev bargains.


Lazing around for another half an hour, Vik eventually bounds out of bed and into the bathroom. When he’s done, he heads into the closet, coming out in a pair of swim shorts, with something bright red gripped in his hands.

“Come on, Baby, get up and put on your swimsuit. The water will make you feel good, I promise,” Vik coaxes, carefully rolling her shoulders to the side, so he can lean down and kiss her.

“I need a shower,” she whines.

“No,” all three of us say at once, in perfect harmony.

“I can’t go in the pool with cum dripping out of me,” she protests.

“You can and you will,” I say decisively. “No showering today. I like the idea of you being sloppy until one of us fucks you again.”

“That’s gross.” She grimaces.

“There is nothing gross about our cum or your pussy. Now get up before I decide your ass needs to experience the same as your cunt this morning,” I warn her.

Rolling fully to her back, she flops her arms down beside her dramatically.

“Here, I’ll help you, Honey,” Lev coos softly, scooping her off the bed bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom.

I have a sudden urge to follow them, but I resist. Instead finding my own swim shorts and pulling them on.

Lev and Alabama are back in the bedroom when I step out of the closet. Leaning back, I rest my ass against the wall and watch as Lev kneels at her feet, holding the thong bikini bottom out for her to step into.

She places her hand on his shoulder while she lifts her feet, and he slides the fabric all the way up her slim thighs, until the strings hook over her hips and the tiny triangle is positioned over her mound.

Standing, he fiddles with the top for a moment, then drops it over her head, making sure the fabric is covering her nipples, before he turns her and tightens the strings until it’s the perfect fit.

Until now, I had no idea how sexy it could be to watch a woman get dressed. But seeing my brother’s huge hands delicately help our wife into her skimpy bikini has my dick twitching in my shorts.

We troop down the stairs as a group, with Malishka at the center. Nothing has ever felt as right as this, and I think even Alabama knows it. The pool is clear and sparkling in the morning sun when we step outside.

Usually, we only have guards spread out on the accessible entrance points of the island. When we brought Alabama here, I had Greyson station them at the escape points, to prevent her from trying to escape.

So, it’s odd to see an armed guard patrolling the gated entrance to the beach.

“You guys get in, I’ll be there in a minute,” I tell the others.

Nodding to me, Vik grabs Alabama off her feet and throws her over his shoulder. Turning, he runs toward the pool, and her squeal of shock and surprise echoes through the quiet morning air.

Pulling my cell from my pocket, I hit dial on Greyson’s number and he answers just like always on the second ring. “Dimi.”

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