Page 389 of Beautiful Villain

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"Good girl," he murmurs. "Give yourself over to me."

His hands come up to cradle my face and our eyes lock together in a moment that transcends time and space.

I am lost in the depths of his gaze, the electricity between us rising until it is almost unbearable.

His kiss is invasive and brutal, as if he longs to claim me, and I give myself fully to him.

Leo breaks off the kiss and looks into my eyes with an intensity I have never seen before.

"You are safe here," he whispers reassuringly. "With me."

My heart swells with emotion at his words, and I can feel myself starting to relax in his arms. My fear starts to dissolve away, replaced by a warmth that envelops my entire being like never before.

He wiggles his hand between us and frees his cock from his pants. Taking the invitation for what it is, I ride him right then and there, our bodies moving together as one. His face is a mixture of pleasure and pain as I grip onto him tightly, holding onto the moment for dear life.

His thrusts become faster and more passionate. I can feel my orgasm building within me until it explodes into a million tiny sparks that fill my body with an overdose of pleasure. Leo's face is a mask of desire as he grasps my hips tightly and moves inside me faster and faster until finally, he shudders in rapture beneath me. I can actually feel the intensity of his pleasure course through me like an electric current.

Normally, after we fuck, Leo doesn’t cuddle me. He’ll fetch me a towel. Then, I’ll clean up and leave.

This time, Leo extends a protective embrace, drawing me into the shelter of his arms. The room, bathed in shadows, becomes a haven in which the complexities of the underworld momentarily fade away.

As he holds me close, a silent acknowledgment passes between us. Despite his assurances, we both know the danger is far from over. The echoes of a clandestine world linger, and the shadows, though momentarily pushed back, continue to weave an intricate tapestry of uncertainty.

In the warmth of Leo's embrace, a paradox unfolds. The safety provided by the Obsidian Shadows becomes a fragile sanctuary in a world where peril is an ever-present companion. The reassurance of his arms offers a respite, but the awareness that the shadows hold secrets yet unrevealed casts a subtle tension over the intimate moment.

The embrace becomes a silent acknowledgment, a recognition that, even within the arms of protection, the intricacies of the mafia world demand perpetual vigilance. In the dance of shadows, Leo's hold serves as both a sanctuary and a reminder that the danger, like the shadows themselves, is a persistent force that lingers, waiting to resurface.


After a few lingering kisses, I pull away. A part of me wants to stay with Leo, but I’m certain he’s sleeping with some of the others, or at least I wouldn’t put it past him. I mean, they basically told me to go sleep with him. Why would they do that unless it was expected?

And I have no claim on him. If anything, I owe him everything.

And I’m also thinking about Vinnie and Dante. Even Rafe, who I’ve had many fun times with in the kitchen making food for everyone. Cooking with someone else is actually a fun, wonderful experience, with plenty of opportunities for stolen glances and brushing up against each other.

Would Leo care if I kissed any of the others? If I slept with them? I’ve never looked at another guy after Derrick and I became a couple, but now, in some ways, I feel like my wings are spreading… even if my wings have also been clipped.

Since returning here after the Sunrise Bistro incident, I haven’t left the confines of this hideout. Yes, I’m safe, but I’m not free, and it’s slowly killing me even as I try to find moments of joy here and there.

I fix my clothes and return to my room, only to grab clothes so I can go and shower. The hot water releases some of my tension, and I melt into my bed that night, sleep, for once, coming nice and easy.

Just like I come with Leo.

As the morning light filters through the curtains, the remnants of the night's revelations linger, casting a nuanced hue over the shadows that dance in the corners.

Soon after, a summons from Leo leads me back to the heart of the mafia enclave. In the dimly lit room that serves as Leo's makeshift office, he entrusts me with a task that delves into the clandestine underbelly of their operations.

“We need to move some funds to offshore accounts. Keep it away from prying eyes.” His voice, low and authoritative, cuts through the air as he hands me a dossier containing the details of the financial maneuver.

The dossier reveals a web of offshore accounts, each a discreet repository for the mafia's financial holdings. The instructions are clear—navigate the shadows of the financial world to relocate funds beyond the reach of governmental scrutiny.

“I’ll get right on this,” I assure him.

“Thank you.” He nods.

I take my leave and get to work right away in my room on my laptop. Every few minutes, I glance up to look at the black box. It’s all I have from my old life, that and the gun and bullets. The Scarlet Vipers don’t want that back, right? It has to be something more than that.

Shaking my head, I get back to it, but as I delve into the intricacies of the financial transfer, a disconcerting realization takes root. A significant sum is missing, a conspicuous absence that casts a shadow over the meticulously orchestrated plan.

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