Page 359 of Beautiful Villain

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I catch a glimpse of him in the mirror, the water droplets I missed clinging to his skin like deceptive pearls. The facade he presents to the world, the one I once bought into, now feels like a mirage. His eyes, cold and indifferent, meet mine in the reflection, and I am reminded of the danger that lurks beneath the surface.

The silence hangs between us, a taut thread straining against the weight of the unsaid. I clench my fists, the resolve to break free simmering beneath the surface. The scars may run deep, but the spirit within refuses to be extinguished.

Derrick, oblivious to the tempest within, carries on as if nothing has transpired. The illusion of normalcy, a fragile facade, shatters with each step he takes. The bathroom door closes behind him, leaving me alone with the echoes of my contemplation.

The decision looms before me, fueled by a blend of fear and determination. As I prepare to confront the unknown, I draw strength from the resilience forged through enduring the constant threats and abuse. The path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but with every step, I inch closer to reclaiming the fragments of myself lost in the tumultuous journey with a man who once vowed to protect, but only brought chaos.

The certainty of impending danger causes my heartbeat to skyrocket, and I can’t help but feel as if a shadow has been cast over any glimmer of escape. The realization settles like a heavy stone in the pit of my stomach. Fleeing is not just an act of desperation. It's a perilous gambit against a force I may not outrun.

A gnawing fear takes root as I trail behind my husband to our bedroom. Derrick, with his connections to the Scarlet Vipers and the abyss of the criminal underworld, possesses the means to hunt me down. The knowledge of his involvement in the mafia transforms the act of escape into a perilous journey through a labyrinth of shadows.

The walls of our home, once confining, now offer a precarious shield against the unknown dangers that lurk beyond. The clock ticks, each passing second a reminder that time is slipping away. Fleeing may be my only chance at liberation, yet the haunting certainty that he will pursue me lingers like a specter.

The weight of the decision bears down on me, and I grapple with the realization that escape may not guarantee safety. If I run, I become a fugitive in a game where the stakes are not just my freedom but my very existence. The danger, once confined within the walls of our shared life, now extends its reach into the uncharted territory of a world that has become hostile and unfamiliar.

A surge of vulnerability washes over me, a realization that the escape plan is not a guaranteed reprieve but a plunge into an abyss of uncertainty. The scars of past abuses and threats converge with the impending danger, creating a volatile cocktail of fear and determination.

As I stand on the precipice of escape, the decision looms like a looming storm. Fleeing may lead to freedom, but the haunting specter of retribution shadows my every step. In this moment of precarious contemplation, I must summon the courage to confront the unknown and accept the risks that come with untangling myself from a life that has become synonymous with danger.

Caught in the suffocating crossfire of danger and uncertainty, deep down, I know I’m trapped in a paradoxical existence where neither escape nor enduring seems tenable. Leaving, with the ominous threat of pursuit, looms like a daunting precipice, while staying condemns me to the relentless cycle of abuse and fear.

The walls of our home, once a sanctuary, now feel like the confining bars of a cage. Each room echoes with the weight of unspoken truths and the residue of torment endured. The decision not to leave becomes a silent surrender, a choice to endure a life defined by peril and deception.

Yet, the prospect of staying is equally unbearable. The air in the room thickens with the tangible tension of impending danger. The scars, both seen and unseen, testify to the toll of enduring the unrelenting storm within these walls. The promise of normalcy has been shattered, replaced by a sinister reality where every step is fraught with peril.

I find myself at a crossroads, torn between the urgency to escape and the paralyzing fear of what lies beyond. The choice, a daunting balancing act between two unenviable fates, is agonizing. I am neither free nor bound, existing in the limbo of a life that has spiraled out of control.

The realization settles like an unshakable truth. I can't leave, but I can't stay. The dichotomy is a relentless echo, drowning out reason and drowning me in the overwhelming uncertainty of the present moment. In the stillness of the room, I grapple with the weight of this paradox, a prisoner to circumstances that have rendered both escape and endurance equally harrowing.

"I deserve surf and turf," he commands once he’s dressed, the entitlement in his tone a cruel reminder of the power dynamics that have held me captive for too long. “You fucked up dinner, and I bring home the bacon. Go out, buy me steak and lobster. Hurry up about it too. I want a blow job before the game starts.”

The demands, relentless and demeaning, reverberate through the air as Derrick's voice cuts through the room. The request for surf and turf, a cruel reminder of the stark contrast between the opulence he expects and the turmoil within, becomes the catalyst for a long-suppressed rebellion.

The simmering frustration, fueled by years of enduring his abuse, erupts into a surge of defiance. I feel a spark within, an ember of self-preservation that refuses to be extinguished. In the face of his demeaning demands, something within me snaps. The weight of the past injustices, the constant threats, and the revelation of his involvement with the Scarlet Vipers converge into a breaking point. The demand, once routine, transforms into an unbearable imposition.

With a newfound strength, I meet his gaze, the defiance burning bright in my eyes. "No," I say, the word carrying a weight of rebellion. "I won't do it."

Derrick's eyes narrow, his temper flaring at the audacity of my refusal. The room crackles with tension as I stand my ground.

"I won't be your servant anymore," I spit out, the words ringing out like a declaration of independence. The shackles of subservience, forged through years of fear, begin to splinter.

In the face of his stunned silence, I turn away, the weight of defiance guiding me toward a sense of agency I thought long lost. The decision to take matters into my own hands is a quiet rebellion, but in this moment of breaking, I reclaim a fragment of control over a life that has been dictated by someone else's whims for far too long.

Derrick grabs my hair and the back of my neck, forcing me down to the ground. I struggle against him as he undoes his zipper, and when he jams his cock into my mouth, I’m biting him before I can even think about whether or not I should.

The sound of his shrill girlish cry echoes in my ear as he kicks me down, but I’m scrambling up to my feet as he hunches over, and I spy a box I’ve never noticed before in his closet. It’s black and decently sized.

I rush past him, but Derrick trips me, yanking on my ankle. I kick or try to and am shocked when he releases me so much that I end up kicking again, connecting with his forehead. Derrick howls, and I’m on my feet again. My fingers close on the box. It’s heavy, and I swing it as I turn around, connecting with Derrick’s stomach.

He yowls and tries to yank the box from me, but I won’t let go of it even as he forces me backward, into his closet. His clothes cover me, and I scream and kick, trying to lift the box so I can kick him higher.

And I do. I land a kick on his hardened cock, and he releases the box. As he staggers back, I’m so shocked by the lack of tug-of-war that I drop the box. It falls open.

And something falls out.

A gun.

Our gazes meet, and we both stare at it. Immediately, we both grapple for it, but when Derrick rips it away, I grab the box and whip it at his head. He ducks and fires.

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