Page 350 of Beautiful Villain

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I roll over in bed, sitting up and feeling completely luxurious. The day outside is gorgeous, and Luca told me I could take Sam out for lunch if she felt like it.

She’s still not very good at getting out of the house, but it helps that we’ve got Greco bodyguards shadowing us wherever we go, one of which is Ricardo, having finished his punishment stint he’s trying to get into his older brother’s good graces by spending time watching my back.

My stomach rumbles, even though it’s only been an hour since I woke, I’m ready for breakfast. I’ve put on a little bit of weight since proto-moving in with Luca, the regular access to proper nutrition and high-calorie meals around the clock being too much to resist. It doesn’t hurt that his housekeeper makes amazing breakfasts and lunches, and dinner, too, if I’m around.

I’m not going to complain. Not when Luca’s gone off to work for a bit. I get up, pulling on some yoga pants and a loose sweatshirt of Luca’s that smells deliciously like him. Out in the living room, the elevator pings softly, and I perk up.

Maybe he’s home early for a late breakfast, or an early lunch?

"Luca?" I call out, and silence is the only answer. Silence, and then... footsteps, several sets.

My heart rate speeds up.

There’s someone in the apartment. I edge toward the double doors that let out into the living room. Whoever is in the condo, they haven’t made a move toward the living room yet, or they’d be visible in the giant open-plan space.

"Ashley?" A familiar voice rings out, and I let out a sigh of a relief.

"Dani?" I ask, poking my head out the doors, and then smile. She’s standing in the entry-way, two guys I don’t recognize at her back, but they’re dressed like the usual bodyguards are.

Something sounds off in the back of my mind...

Dani smiles at me, her expression grim with displeasure. She lifts up a small paper bag.

"Let’s go to the bathroom," she says, and my stomach drops.

Even though she’s another woman, Dani clearly has no issue man-handling me into the guest bathroom, and considering she’s backed up by two beef-a-ronis with guns, I don’t have a lot of choices.

She tosses the paper bag at me, and I catch it, half expecting it to explode in my hands. But nothing happens, and she stares at me, a flat expression on her face, her hands crossed over her chest.

"Open it," she demands. My mouth goes dry. I look down, and peel it open with shaking hands. Inside is a... pregnancy test? I stare at it, and then glance up at her.

"What the hell?" I sputter, and her smile is grim.

"Do I need to explain this, or are you smart enough to know how it works?" She cocks her head to the side, seemingly unimpressed with me. Except... there’s no reason for her to be like this to me. What the hell have I ever done to her?

"Why are you being so cruel?" I whisper.

"Because Luca’s got his head stuck so far up his ass he can’t see straight with regards to you," she says. "And you are going to fix that by giving him a swift reality check. I just got Ricky sorted out from a bad situation, and I don’t have time to fix another one of the Greco brothers." She jerks her head toward me. "Go ahead." Behind her, one of the men snicker lightly. My cheeks flush.

"Can’t I have a bit of privacy?" I ask.

"And risk you diluting the sample and screwing up the test? Nah," Dani says with disinterest. "You were happy enough to get naked in front of a room of strangers. Just think of it as another show."

A lump forms in my throat, and my cheeks are hot, and red, and my eyes are stinging with unshed tears. I feel like I’m five years old, and have been sent to the principal’s office for something I didn’t do.

"Can I at least have a cup?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"I’ll give you thirty seconds," she says, glancing at her watch. "If you’re not done by then, I’ll do the honors for you." That makes me snort, and she glares at me. "If I have to hold you down to get a sample from you, I will," she growls out, and there’s no laughter in her voice.

"I’m done," I tell her. "I’m not going to do this."

"Fine," she replies, and gestures to the toilet. "We’ll just tie you up until you do."

Looking at her, I don’t doubt she’s about to make good on that promise. My mind races.

"Why do you think I’m pregnant?" I ask, starting to unbox the pregnancy test, and she shrugs, not replying.

"Do I look like your period tracker? More like, why’d you show up in his world offering him everything he’d ever wanted on a platter? I don’t have time for this. You may never admit it, but I know what you are. The Viper didn’t just plant you in his life for a stupid key-logger. There was always something bigger at play. Why the hell would he have backed off and left you alone once you were safely ensconced in the Greco ivory tower?" She shakes her head. "Just shut the fuck up and get on with it. I’ll even close my eyes. But the boys have to watch."

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