Page 35 of Beautiful Villain

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Separating one glass from the others, I squeeze some of my cum into the bottom of the glass, then pour the wine over it. “Dessert?”

Tanya collects the small bowl of crème brulé from the refrigerator and I drizzle my cum over the top of the sugar she’ll burn before she serves it, then hand it back to her.

When I’m finished, I cross to the sink, wash out the remaining cum in the jar, wishing I could force her to let me push it into her cunt or ass but knowing I can’t, at least not yet. Eventually, she’ll take all of our cum, none of it will be wasted, she’ll take it all in one of her holes or swallow it before each meal. But for now, this will have to do.

Dropping the jar and pipette in the trash, I look pointedly at each woman in turn. “Ensure she only eats or drinks from the glasses, plates and bowls I just approved,” I warn. Then I leave, taking my place beside Alena at the table.

Roza and Tanya deliver the food and drinks, and I watch, making sure to catch their eyes as they place a plate of food and a glass of juice and wine in front of Alena. Lev is trying to make conversation, but all I can think about is watching her eat the food I laced with my cum. Then my eyes land on the marks on her neck.

“What the fuck happened to your neck?” I snarl.

“Viktor happened,” she says curtly, her spine stiff, shoulders rigid.

My gaze reluctantly leaves her, and I turn to look at my brother, arching an eyebrow in silent question.

Smirking, he shrugs. “I was just teaching my Baby a lesson about who provides the liberties she’s been gifted.”

“Those will bruise,” I snap, warningly.

“I hope so,” he says, his smirk spreading into a wide smile.

Rolling my eyes at my psycho brother’s amusement, I look back to Alena. “Are you in pain? Does it hurt to swallow? I’ll call Dr. Wood.”

“I’m fine,” she says quietly. “I don’t need a doctor. A few bruises aren’t something new to me. I learned a lesson about Viktor’s temper this afternoon, but you all need to understand that if any of you touch me, it will be without my consent. It’ll be rape. If you can live with that, then I guess I’ll have to find a way to as well.”

“Alabama,” Lev says softly.

“You’ll want it.” Vik, laughs.

Alena’s head snaps around so quickly, I hear it crack. “No, Viktor, I won’t. I might not be locked in a room or restrained, but I’m not here by choice, I’m your prisoner,” she sneers. “Not your queen. I don’t want your hands on me. I don’t want your lips on mine, or your tongue in my mouth. I certainly don’t want any of your dicks near me. I am the daughter of a prostitute; I know what it’s like to give your body to someone because you see no other choice. But I will never give myself to any of you. You can take, but if you do, you’ll be raping me. Maybe that’s what gets you off, I don’t know or honestly care, but you taught me a lesson, so I’m happy to school you in return. If I don’t say yes, I’m saying no. No means no, it means stop, it means if you carry on, you are taking from me and that is rape.”

Once she’s finished her little speech, she slumps back down into her seat, lifts her glass of wine and throws it back, draining the whole thing before slamming it back down onto the table and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

The room fills with a charged silence and I wait for Vik to explode. His temper is always on a hair trigger, but instead of detonating, he shoves back his chair and storms off, his jaw rigid and hard.

No one speaks and after a quiet few moments, Lev starts to eat, filling the nothingness with the sounds of his silverware against the plate and his glass being lifted and placed back down on the table. Joining him, I cut off a piece of chicken and lift it to my lips and eventually Alena follows suit.

I watch every time she swallows, knowing that she’s taking a part of me into her with every mouthful. Vik returns in time for dessert, his expression sullen and hard when he slumps back into his seat, glaring at an oblivious Alena.

When Tanya clears the dessert plates away, I stand, holding my hand out to Alena. Glancing at me, she ignores my offer and stands without my help. Scoffing, I move into step beside her, placing my palm against the base of her spine.

“Watch a movie with us,” I say. It’s not a question, so I don’t phrase it as one, guiding her out of the dining room and toward the den.

Sighing tiredly, she sits down at the end of the couch, curling her legs up underneath her and revealing my boxers beneath Lev’s sweats. I don’t know if she deliberately wore a piece of each of our clothing, but the result is probably a lot sexier than I think she thought it would be.

Lev’s pants are too big, hanging loosely off her hips. She’s rolled the waist to try and keep them up, but all that’s done is showcase my boxers she has on beneath them. I know they’re mine, because I’m the only one of us who only wears Calvin Klein underwear. I know it’s a nineties cliché, but they hug my dick and balls in just the right way, and I refuse to change brands. At some point the fabric that is currently cupping her cunt has been around my dick. That thought shouldn’t be turning me on, but it is.

The shirt she’s wearing is one of Vik’s. It’s a muscle shirt he wears to work out in with a ripped out neck and arm holes. She’s pulled the fabric into a knot at her back, making it tight. The front is low enough for me to see a hint of her small cleavage and the arm holes are wide enough that I can see the swell of her petite tits at the sides and a wide expanse of her flat, almost concave stomach.

I don’t give a fuck about her little no touch speech she gave at dinner. If she pushes me far enough, I think I could live with knowing she wasn’t one hundred percent on board with me touching her. After all, I’ve already violated her in ways she has no idea about.

I’m confident that I could have her screaming my name and begging for my cock, but the thought of her calling anything we do to her rape makes my hackles rise. I’m a competitive man by nature, and I silently challenge myself to make her want me, by any means necessary. I won’t allow her to taint my touch with thoughts of rape, so when I do finally fuck her, it’ll be with her screaming yes so loudly, the people on the mainland will hear her.

“What do you want to watch?” Lev asks her, his smile bright and warm.

Shrugging, she leans down and rests her head on the side of the couch, yawning widely.

“Would you rather watch TV instead? You never seemed like a sports fan when you were working, but I guess you were probably too busy to stop and cheer for your team,” he says, talking as he grabs the remote, then flops down into the recliner beside Alena’s end of the couch.

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