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Felix looks between us, and an ugly expression twists his features. He stabs a finger in my direction. "You spread your legs for him? You?—"

Quentin slaps him.

Felix gasps. His eyes grow bigger. He stares at Q, then anger suffuses Felix’s features. He takes a step forward, then curls his fingers into a fist and buries it in Q’s side.

I cry out, “Felix, stop!”



It’s because my ribs are already bruised, but when Felix slams his fist into my side, I grunt. Pain spikes across my nerve-endings. I feel the skin tear open further, and blood begins to drip down my side. He follows it up with an upper cut, which I don’t avoid. I’m not going to hit my son—though, considering I already slapped him; the point is probably moot. But what I did was wrong. He’s a grown-up, an adult… And I shouldn’t have insulted him like that.

But I’m not going to fight with my son, especially knowing I’m stronger than him and could seriously injure him.

The fact I’m not defending myself seems to anger Felix further. He sets his jaw; his eyes flash. Then he pulls back his fist and lets it fly. The angle is such, I know it’s going to connect with my jaw. I brace for it, but at the last moment, Raven slams into him with all her weight.

His fist whistles by my ear, the breeze cool on my sweat drenched skin.

"Stop it." She shoves at his shoulder. "Stop it right now."

Felix shakes his head, then he looks between us. He opens his mouth, as if to speak, then shakes his head again and stomps away.

Her features fall. She begins to go after him, but I curl my fingers around her bicep. "Let him cool off."


Felix tears open the door, barrels through it and slams it behind him. The crash resounds around the apartment.

Her shoulders droop. "This is not good."

She’s right. “I was wrong in raising my hand on him, but"—I jut out my chin—"he insulted you. He shouldn’t have done that." I release her and drag my palm over the short bristles on my scalp. "It’s my fault he’s angry. My fault he grew up feeling abandoned. I wasn’t there for him when he needed me most. I was too busy pursuing my own career. I put my interests before his. I might have made sure he didn’t want for material things, but emotionally, I was unavailable to my own son."

She purses her lips. "And his mother?"

I feel that old resentment rising to the surface, feel my defensive walls going up again. "I don’t want to talk about her."

Her features crumple. The light goes out of her eyes, and goddamn, if I don’t feel like the worst person alive for doing that to her. She turns and begins to walk into the bedroom, but I stop her with a hand on her shoulder. "I’m sorry, that came out way harsher than I intended."

"That’s okay. We’re almost strangers and this whatever-it-is between us is all based on lies." She stares straight ahead. "I shouldn’t have asked that question."

"You should have absolutely asked that question, and I know how your cunt tastes, so we’re not strangers. Besides, nothing between us is lies."

She draws in a sharp breath, and when I walk around to stand in front of her, I see the red blotches on her cheeks. "You’re filthy."

"And you like it." I take in the feverish look in her eyes, and I know I’m right.

"Can you not constantly refer to my?—"


She squeezes her eyes shut. "Yes, that. Can you not bring that part of me into every conversation."

"How can I not when I can smell the scent of your arousal, and taste the honey of your cum, and see how your nipples are outlined against your blouse?"

Her eyelids snap open. Her pupils are dilated. The pulse at the base of her throat kicks up in speed. If I were to touch her now, she’d come in a heartbeat. No matter what other issues are between us, when it comes to our bodies, there’s a bond that neither of us needs to fake. I understand her on a primal level, and she can’t help but respond to my demands. We understand each other’s unspoken cues. We were drawn to each other from the moment we met. I know how to make her scream and she… can reduce me to putty. She has so much power over me. Good thing she doesn’t know it yet.

I’m not stupid enough to think I deserve her, but… I also owe it to myself to convince her that I’m right for her. It’s that which makes me fold to my knees in front of her.

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