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“He’s a jerk,” Allison said flatly. “It’s who you are that matters.”

“Maybe. It’s confusing. My dad’s always telling me not to worry about what the other girls are doing with their hair and clothes and stuff, and sometimes I think Mom’s business is so superficial. But when she talks about making people feel better about themselves, it sounds really good. You know?”

Allison always thought Peter’s views were healthy and would keep Summer grounded, but now that she knew Erica better, she wondered if he was, in fact, trying to sabotage Erica’s relationship with her daughter. A thought that made her uncomfortable.

“Are you making the right decision for you or are you rebelling against your mom for no particular reason?” she asked.

Summer smiled. “Rebel? Why would I do that?”

“Your mom works really hard. She’s the most successful woman I know.” In truth Erica was more successful than Peter had ever been. “You should be proud of her. You don’t have to dress like her or want to do what she does, but she’s someone to be admired.”

Summer sighed. “You sound like my grandmother.”

“Mara’s a smart woman. So’s your mom. She loves you, Summer. You should trust her with the truth. She needs to know about the guy.”

“I don’t want to tell her now.”

Jackson slid the monkey piece into place and clapped his hands. Allison reached out to pat his shoulder.

“Good job,” she told him. “You’re so—”

“Oh my God! Where’s your wedding ring?”

Summer’s voice was loud enough to make Jackson spin toward her. Summer stared at Allison. “It’s gone. Did you lose it?”

Allison stared down at her bare hand. The indentation from the ring was clearly visible.

Her mind went completely blank as she tried to think of what to say. Not the truth—she wasn’t going to burden the teen with that, but what other excuse was there?

“I, ah, I... Oh, my hands are swollen. It happens in pregnancy. I had to take the ring off.”

Summer stared at her. “You’re lying. I can see you’re lying. What’s going on? Is it something with Dad?” Tears filled her eyes. “Are you getting a divorce?”

“What? No. Of course not. I love your father. We’re fine.” She held in a sigh. “I’ll tell you what happened, but you can’t tell your mother. I don’t want her to think...well, I don’t know what, but don’t tell her.”

“I won’t.” Summer held Jackson. “What is it?”

Allison quickly explained about the lawyer and the retainer. “I have some money but not enough. I sold my rings for cash. I’m going to sell my car. That’s all it is. Your dad and I are totally fine. Don’t worry about that.”

Summer’s relief was visible. “I’m glad you’re not leaving him.”

Allison eyed her warily. “That’s it? You’re okay with what I said?”

“I’m not happy, but I understand. I won’t say anything to Mom.”

Something was going on, Allison thought. The problem was she had no idea what, nor what to ask. She supposed given the circumstances, Summer’s acceptance was the best she could expect.


Erica pulled the hair tight with the round brush, then used the blow-dryer to dry and set the style. She’d already finished the cut and color. She’d given Francis a few warm highlights to complement her thick brown hair.

Francis had been with Twisted from the beginning. She’d been one of Erica’s first hires. Twenty years ago they’d both been much younger and a lot less experienced. Erica had just bought out her mother and Francis was a single mother of two with a fledgling janitorial business. As the salon had grown and expanded, Francis had been right there, bringing in her team every night. When Erica had bought the third salon, Francis had sold her business to her brother-in-law and had come to work for Erica full-time. She’d put together the team that kept the salons clean and sanitized. The purchase of the fourth salon had required additional staff and Francis had managed it all.

When Erica finished blowing out her hair, Francis studied herself in the mirror and smiled. “You were right about the highlights.”

“They bring out your eyes and add dimension to your hair.”

“Yes, and now I’ll have to maintain them,” her employee teased. “It’s part of your master plan to get me to spend my paycheck in the salon.”

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