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“Erica doesn’t miss a game,” Killion said. “Rain or shine.”

Erica brushed off his comment. “If it rains, the game is canceled. If we’re lucky, they’ve played their five innings and the score is final.”

Summer grinned at Allison. “Mom lives in fear of makeup games.” She stretched out her hand and patted her mother’s arm. “You’re very faithful. Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m not sure you could manage Jackson and the bleachers,” Summer said, glancing at Allison. “Not with how pregnant you are. By the time Bethany is born and can go out with people, the season will be pretty much over.”

“Next year,” Mara said firmly. “We’ll all go.”

“I’ll be a senior,” Summer said happily. “Hmm, by this time next year, I’ll be accepted at my first-choice college and Bethany will be almost a year old.”

“Hard to imagine.” Allison was having enough trouble just getting through the days. She couldn’t imagine thinking a year ahead.

On the sofa across from hers, Killion lightly touched Erica’s thigh. It was a silly thing—his hand settled on her leg for just a moment. Connection maybe. Reassurance? Like the look and the easy conversation, this was yet more proof they were a couple. Before the ache of missing her husband could overtake her, Allison searched for a distraction.

“How did you two meet?” she asked.

Erica glanced from Killion to her. “At a charity luncheon. It was what? Late last fall? I can’t remember the event. We were seated next to each other.” She smiled. “He charmed me.”

Killion picked up her free hand and kissed her knuckles. “That is not how we met.”

“What?” Erica pulled her hand free and angled toward him. “It was! I was there.”

He ignored her and leaned toward Allison. “We met at a business connections event two months earlier. I don’t remember anything about it except across the room was this stunning woman and I knew I had to meet her.”

Erica stared at him. “You’re making this up.”

He made an X on his heart.

“But I don’t remember meeting you.”

“That’s because you were one of the speakers and everyone wanted to get your attention. I didn’t do much more than shake your hand.”

She sipped her drink. “It never happened.”

“It did.” He smiled at Allison. “I was instantly smitten so I looked into her. Erica has a reputation for being an excellent businesswoman but standoffish. Several men had already made passes at her only to be politely shut down.”

“Mom! You go, girl. Way to keep them guessing.”

Erica shook her head. “He’s making this more than it is.”

“Shh,” her mother said. “I want to hear the story. Go on, Killion.”

“I found out what I could about her and bided my time. When I learned we were both going to be at a charity lunch, I made a generous contribution on the condition I was seated next to her.” His smile broadened. “I made sure the man on her other side was a known jerk.” He shrugged. “I didn’t want any competition.”

Erica looked bewildered. “I remember the lunch and you’re right about the other man. He kept talking about my ‘girlie business’ and how much happier I’d be if I had a man running it. Asshole.”

“And you won the day,” Allison said. “You won your lady love.”

“In a manner of speaking,” Killion said. “I asked her out, she said yes and here we are.”

“I honestly don’t know what to say,” Erica admitted.

“You were wooed,” her mother told her. “Revel in it. Now I’m starved. Let’s go eat dinner.”


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