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Allison had been worried about what to wear for the dinner, but Mara had assured her that dress was casual. Sure enough, everyone was in jeans and sweaters. She’d pulled on her nicest maternity pants and a clean, long-sleeved shirt. She was having trouble finding things that fit over her belly. She was much bigger with Bethany than she had been with Jackson. Her doctor had warned her getting bigger faster with a second child was common, but Allison hadn’t expected so much of a difference.

She was refastening one of the lower buttons for the eighth time when the doorbell rang.

“It’s Killion!” Summer shrieked. “I’ll get it.”

Allison watched her dance away. “She really likes him.”

“He brings presents,” Erica said dryly. “I’m not saying she isn’t a fan, but there’s also the thrill of the gift.”

Erica and Mara both walked toward the front door. Allison stayed behind with Jackson. She felt shy and awkward, wondering if her presence would have to be explained or if he already knew about her husband and what had happened.

Seconds later, the four of them returned, Mara and Summer each claiming an arm while Erica carried in several gift bags.

Allison felt her eyes widen in surprise. Mara had said that he was handsome but somehow that word didn’t come close. He was tall and fit, with dark hair, but what really caught her attention were his deep green eyes and strong jaw. He was attractive enough to draw attention wherever he went, she thought, aware of her massive belly and too-long hair. She had the sudden thought that she should have put on makeup or something—an idea so ridiculous as to make her laugh. Why did she care how she looked?

Another form of power, she thought, remembering her conversation with Erica.

Erica set the bags on the counter. “Killion, this is Allison, Peter’s wife, and her son, Jackson. Allison, Killion Haugen, my, ah—” She paused, flushing slightly.

“Boy toy?” Killion offered with a grin.

“Oh, please.” Erica looked at Allison. “My friend.”

“Boyfriend, Mom.” Summer smiled. “You can say it. No one will judge. Boy. Friend.”

“Whatever.” But her tone was more happy than annoyed.

Killion closed the distance to shake Allison’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You, too.”

He released her hand, then bent down to smile at Jackson. “Nice you meet you, too.”

Jackson offered him a toothy grin and waved his arms. “Up!”

“Yes, sir.”

Allison eyed his expensive-looking shirt and tailored jeans. She wasn’t sure those clothes were toddler friendly but before she could say anything, Killion already had Jackson in his arms.

“How are you settling in?” he asked. “Is Erica taking good care of you two?”

“Of course.” Allison glanced toward Erica, then back at him. “Everyone’s been great. I was worried Jackson wouldn’t like the change, but he’s loving all the attention.” She smiled.

“How can we help ourselves?” Mara asked with a laugh.

“Killion,” Summer said, tugging on his sleeve. “You brought presents.”

“I did. They’re labeled. Help yourselves.”

Summer lunged for the gift bags, caught her mother watching her, then drew back a little. “Why don’t I pass them out?” she murmured, turning over a tag. “Grandma, this is for you.”

Mara took it. “Oh, Killion, you shouldn’t have. I’m glad you did, but you shouldn’t have.”

Summer gave a bag to her mom, put one in front of where she’d been working, then handed two to Allison, one of which was very large.

She looked at him, startled by his thoughtfulness. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

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