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She waved away his comment. “You’re just saying that because you like me.”

“I’m saying it because it’s true.”

Later, when Killion had left and Mara had returned to the carriage house, Erica knocked on her daughter’s half-open door.

“Got a second?” she asked as she entered.

“Okay.” Summer sat up on her bed and set down her phone. “Avery’s having a tough time with math. First-semester precalculus was hard for her, but now she’s really struggling.”

Erica angled the desk chair toward the bed and sat down. “Has she talked to her parents? I’m sure they’d get her a tutor.”

“Her mom’s all for it, but her dad says she just needs to try harder.”

Erica couldn’t remember if she’d met the man or not, but he sounded like a jerk. “Avery is a hard worker. She always shows up early to practice and she’s the friend you study with the most.”

“I know, right? I don’t get it. Her dad expects all As from her but won’t give her the resources to succeed. Parents can be confusing.”

“We take a class,” Erica said lightly. “It’s part of the childbirth series. Fifty ways to confuse your child.”

Summer grinned. “I wonder if there’s one for kids. You know, to confuse their parents.”

“Oh, you don’t need a class for that. It’s a natural part of growing up.” She leaned forward a little. “Killion’s questions tonight made you uncomfortable, but he’s not wrong to ask.” She grimaced. “No, let me put that another way. I should have been the one asking if you’re all right. This has been a lot and you’ve been handling too much. You’ve been a rock for Allison and that speaks well of you, but as mature as you seem, you’re still just sixteen. We’ve all forgotten that. So now I’m asking, what do you want to know?”

Summer kept her head down. Her long brown ponytail fell over one shoulder. Even from several feet away, Erica could see the ragged ends from the hideous haircut her friend had given her and her fingers itched to make it right.

Not the point of the conversation, she reminded herself.

Her daughter looked up. “Is Dad a bad man?”

Ugh. Not the question Erica had been hoping for. She’d wanted something easy, maybe focusing on logistics or timelines.

“He’s done some bad things, but in his heart he loves you and Allison and Jackson. He would never hurt you on purpose.” Collateral damage was another issue, but why go there?

“You think he’s guilty? That he did those things? It’s not all a mistake?”

“Guilty or not guilty is a legal question. Your father’s been charged with several crimes including money laundering, wire fraud and threatening police with a gun.”

Her eyes widened. “Dad doesn’t own a gun.”

“He said he kept it at work in case of trouble. That’s where the police arrested him. I’m pretty sure about the money laundering.” Peter had admitted to that. “So at least some of the charges are going to stick. Right now he has a court-appointed attorney. He’s trying to find someone who specializes in what he’s done.”

“So he’s going to prison?”

“I don’t know. Once your dad has the right lawyer, they’ll talk about him cooperating with the government. Some of the charges might be dropped, but I would guess that yes, he’ll spend a little time in prison.”

“Is he scared?”

Erica thought about her brief visit to the detention center. It had been a grim, terrifying place.

“I don’t think he’s very happy.”

“Allison isn’t, either. I’ve got you and Grandma, but she doesn’t have anyone. Plus what about Jackson and Bethany? I know she’s really frightened and worried right now, but at some point she’ll get mad. Do you think she’ll forgive him?”

“I don’t know.”

“Would you?”

Erica hesitated, not sure if she should lie or not, then decided avoiding the question was easiest. “Your dad and I aren’t together anymore. All we have in common is you, so forgiving him isn’t an issue. You’re my biggest concern. After that, I’m happy to help Allison. As for your father, what he did is on him. In life there are always consequences, especially if someone breaks the law.”

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