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At last the doors opened and she was able to walk into the main visitors’ room with everyone else. There was a bit of confusion as partners found each other. She spotted Peter and rushed toward him, her arms outstretched, her face already wet with tears.

He grabbed her and held her close. For that second, for that heartbeat, her world righted itself and she knew she would be fine. Then a guard walked by and growled a quick “Break it up or the visit is over.”

Peter stepped free of her then helped her into a seat. “Are you all right? You look tired.”

“So do you.”

No, more than tired, she thought. Worn. As if everything was too hard. Without wanting to, she thought about Erica saying that he wasn’t getting out for months, maybe years. That she was in this alone and they were never getting back what they’d had.

She looked at him. “I need you to be honest with me.”

“I’m always honest.”

She shook her head. “You tell me what you think I can handle, but that’s not good enough. When I don’t have all the facts, I can’t protect myself and Jackson. Why don’t you have a lawyer? What have you been charged with? When will you go to trial? Can you get your bail reduced? Why didn’t you tell me your bail was set at a million dollars?”

He looked at her, his expression miserable. “It’s complicated and there are things I don’t want you to know because it’s not safe information to have.”

“You told Erica about the bail without telling me?”

He turned away. “There’s nothing we can do about it. I can’t get my hands on that kind of money and I don’t know anyone willing to guarantee the amount.” He returned his attention to her. “It’ll get better. Right now they’re pressuring me to cooperate. As soon as I find the right lawyer, we’ll work out a deal. We’ll get some of the money unfrozen and reduce my bail.”

“How long will that take?”

“A while.”

She was getting tired of the nonanswers. “You’re not making this easier for me.”

He reached for her hand. “I’m sorry. You know I love you. I want you to be happy. That’s how all this happened. Hearing that damned landlord was going to sell the house pushed me over the edge. We were barely making it. You work so hard and you shouldn’t have to. I wanted to give you everything and it all went to shit.”

He released her hand and turned away again, but not before she saw that he was crying. She’d never seen Peter cry before and the visual upset her.

“I didn’t need more than we had,” she said gently.

“I wanted more for you. A big house, a nice car. Security.” He looked at her. “I’m going to get you that. You’ll see. Once this is fixed, I’ll make it happen.”

The words were more frightening than comforting. “I don’t need any of that. I just want our lives back.” A wish that was getting more elusive.

She drew in a breath. “Erica asked me and Jackson to move in with her. I’d stay there through having Bethany and until everything gets figured out.”

She’d planned on saying more—mostly that she couldn’t imagine saying yes, but couldn’t figure out another option—when he shocked her by laughing.

“Did she? Did she? I’d hoped she would do something, but this is better than I imagined.” His entire body relaxed. “That’s perfect. You’ll be safe there. Erica’s a bitch, but Summer will take care of you. What a relief. When are you moving? Soon, right? Once you’re there, you can stop working and you won’t have to pay for anything.”

He looked around and lowered his voice. “Keep that money I gave you safe. I’ll need it for the lawyer.”

“What money?”

“The money Cappy dropped off.” He frowned. “You haven’t spent any of it, have you?”

“No. I’ve been saving it for things like food and diapers.”

He waved that away. “Erica’s loaded.” He smiled at her. “This is great, sweetie. I’m so relieved you’ll be taken care of.”

She couldn’t make sense of his attitude. He thought his ex-wife was a bitch but was happy to have his wife and child live with her?

“I don’t know her,” she said. “I won’t be comfortable.”

“You’ll be fine. The house is big enough that you’ll never see her. It’s just until I get things straightened out. So when’s the move?”

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