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“Unless you haven’t eaten,” Erica said as she walked into the small kitchen and began putting containers in the refrigerator.

“It’s after eight. I ate with Jackson.”

Summer led her to the round table by the window. “I wanted to come by earlier so I could see him, but my mom said we needed to wait so we could all focus.”

Allison glanced between them, her senses immediately going on alert. “Focus on what?”

Summer sat next to her, obviously dying to say something, but she only looked at her mother. Erica, once again stylishly dressed in a dark green knit dress and stunning leather boots with a four-inch heel, sat across from her.

The older woman leaned forward, then sat back and looked away. Allison felt her tension rise.

“Did something happen to Peter?”

“As far as I know, he’s fine.” Erica looked at Summer, then back at her. “Your situation is unsustainable. You have Jackson, you’re pregnant, you have no money.”

Allison immediately felt defensive. “Thanks for the recap but I know this. Why are you here?” And how can I get you to leave?

“Believe me, I don’t want to be having this conversation any more than you want to hear it,” Erica snapped.


“It’s true. The whole thing is ridiculous.”

Summer’s mouth trembled. “Mom, you said it was okay. We have to help.”

Allison glanced between them, unsure what was going on, but not liking it.

Erica looked at her. “You need a place to stay while you have the baby and get back on your feet, so to speak. We don’t know what’s happening with Peter, but nothing about his situation speaks to an early release. Not with bail that high. Once he gets a better lawyer, maybe they can negotiate with the court or—”

“Mom! Get to the point.”

Erica seemed to steel herself. She nodded once, then said, “You and Jackson should move into my house. There’s plenty of room and you’ll be safe.”

Allison blinked several times, unable to process the words. They’d sounded like they were in English but she must have misheard them.

“Move in with you? Are you insane?”


Summer rolled her eyes. “Mom, you’re not helping.” She smiled at Allison. “It’s a perfect solution. I’m going to move out of my bedroom. It’s really big and on the corner, so you get lots of light. It has a private bathroom and plenty of room for Bethany’s crib and changing table. Right across the hall are two bedrooms with a connected bathroom. I’ll take one of those and Jackson can have the other. So I’ll be right there if he needs anything.”

“No,” Allison said automatically. Move in with Erica? Live with her husband’s first wife? “I don’t know you and you don’t know me. You can’t offer me somewhere to live.”

“And yet I just did.” Erica smiled. “I’m as shocked as you are.”

“If you’re playing with me, it’s really crappy.”

“She’s not.” Summer grabbed her hand. “We want you to move in. It’s the best idea. You won’t have to pay rent or worry about your credit. You can stop working right now. You know how hard it is for you to stand all day and now you won’t have to. We’ll look after Jackson while you’re having Bethany. Oh, my grandma’s there. She lives in the carriage house, but she hangs out with us all time.”

Summer laughed. “Okay, when she’s not on a date. Grandma is very popular with her gentlemen friends. I used to think that was gross, but now it’s kind of sweet. She’s like Mom—she loves kids and babies.”

Allison didn’t know what to deal with first. That Erica had a house large enough that it came with a carriage house—not that she knew what that was—or that there was a grandmother in the mix. Peter had never mentioned his former mother-in-law. The offer was incredibly generous and if anyone else was making it, she would be tempted. But living with Peter’s first wife? She couldn’t.

“There’s no way it would work,” she said firmly. “I can’t move in with you.” She paused. “Thank you for being so kind, but no.”

“You’re being ridiculous,” Erica said, her voice thick with annoyance. “You don’t have a lot of options. I get having pride, but this isn’t the time.”

Allison glared at the other woman. “You don’t know anything about me. Judge me all you want, but you don’t know me.”

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