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“Can you do that? Just go see him?”

“No. There’s a whole process. I had to fill out an application and be approved. When I talked to Killion last night, he said he’d help. He knows someone who knows the warden, so I can go see Peter this afternoon.”

“It’s good to have powerful friends,” her mother said with a smile. “Or sleep with a powerful man.”

Erica tried not to grimace. “I don’t like using him this way, but I didn’t know who else to turn to.”

“You’re not using him. You’re asking for help. Trust me. The man is thrilled he can do something for you.”

“Killion isn’t like that.”

“All men are like that. You’re successful and self-sufficient. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but when a man loves a woman, he wants to take care of her. You don’t make that easy.”

Erica dismissed her words with a flick of her wrist. “Killion doesn’t love me any more than I love him. We’re friends who have a convenient sexual relationship, nothing more.”

Her mother ignored her. “My point is, he’s not thinking you’re taking advantage of him.”

He had been gracious when she’d called. He’d listened while she’d ranted and had been the one to suggest she go see Peter to find out what was going on, then had offered to smooth the way.

“Do you want me to come with you?” her mother asked. “I’d probably have to wait in the car, but I’d be there for moral support.”

“You’re sweet but no. I’m just visiting Peter. It’s not a big deal.”

“Have you been to a federal detention facility before?”

“No. Have you?”

“I haven’t and that’s how I know it’s a big deal.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“And I’ll be around if you want to talk.”

Erica found herself regretting her dismissal of her mother’s offer as she waited while a male guard went through her purse.

“It’s not a visiting day,” he grumbled, opening a lipstick and staring at the color. “And you’re not a lawyer.”

She had no idea what to say to that, so kept her mouth shut and hoped this would be over soon.

The drive hadn’t been too bad. She’d been told to park in the closest visitor lot, so had been able to walk right up to the entrance. But the gray multistory building had looked plenty intimidating, as had the signs posted on the tall fencing.

The guard put everything back in her bag and returned it to her, then motioned for her to proceed. She’d already gone through a metal detector and been sniffed over by a large German shepherd.

She followed the guard through several doors, each with a big lock, into an open area she would guess was the general visiting area. There were plastic chairs and low tables. Vending machines sat against one wall. The guard pointed to a chair.

“Wait there.”

“Thank you.”

She took a seat, grateful she’d worn pants instead of a skirt. She hadn’t thought of what to wear while visiting her ex in prison, but Summer had a game that afternoon, so pants had made the most sense.

As she waited, she wondered if Peter would refuse to see her. She hadn’t been in touch with him and had no idea what he was thinking or going through. All she knew was her name had been added to his visitor list, but given the special treatment she’d already received, she wasn’t sure that meant he’d approved it.

Despite the fact that she was the only person in the large room, the space was anything but quiet. She could hear shouts and loud conversations. Metal doors clanged, guards issued orders. She had a sense of being watched and it made her uneasy, even though when she glanced around, she didn’t see anyone.

After what felt like an hour but was probably ten minutes, a different guard appeared with Peter. Erica rose, mostly out of shock as her ex-husband shuffled toward her, leg irons around his ankles, hands cuffed.

He looked thin and tired. The lines around his brown eyes had deepened since she’d last seen him and his skin had a pallor that said he hadn’t seen sunlight in days.

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