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“In ten weeks.”

“Have you seen Peter?”

“I’m going tomorrow.” The city of SeaTac wasn’t that far, but visiting the jail was going to be a challenge. She’d never been and didn’t know what to expect. “Getting in for visitation is harder than they make it look in the movies.”

“I’m sure there are hoops to jump through.” Erica pulled a small pad of paper out of her bag, along with a pen. “Summer mentioned you went by the business and all the computers are gone.”

Allison nodded. “No one was there. I don’t know if they all quit, or what.”

“Is Gail still the office manager?”


Erica made a few notes. “She and I always got along. Let me get in touch with her and find out what she knows. Even with the computers confiscated, all the accounting records should be backed up somewhere. Possibly on the cloud or with a company like Carbonite. She should have the information. Does Peter have a lawyer yet?”

Allison told herself the questions made sense and she wasn’t being grilled, even if it felt as if she was. “I don’t know. He hasn’t said.”

Erica frowned. “He needs a lawyer.”

“I’m sure he’s aware of that.”

“These are serious charges. This isn’t some problem he can ignore, hoping it will go away.”

There was something in her tone—judgment and a touch of derision.

“Peter’s not like that,” Allison snapped. “He’s a good man.”

“All evidence to the contrary.”

“Mom!” Summer’s expression was pinched, her tone sharp. “You’re supposed to be helping.”

Erica stared at her daughter, then exhaled audibly. “You’re right. I’ll talk to Gail and see what’s happening with the business. I’ll text you what I find out and send along any suggestions I have. With the bank accounts frozen, the company can’t pay the bills or the lease. I wonder how long until they get thrown out.”

She sounded more intrigued by the question than worried by the answer, Allison thought bitterly.

“And the house,” Summer said. “Don’t forget Allison and Jackson have to move because the house is being sold.”

“I’ll find something,” Allison said, avoiding looking at either of them.

“But how will you pay for it? You don’t have any money. You’re pregnant and you have Jackson and Dad’s in jail.” Summer’s lower lip quivered. “I’m scared and I know you are, too.”

Without thinking, Allison held open her arms. Summer rushed to her and hung on.

“This is going to work out,” Allison said, knowing she was lying, but not wanting the teen to worry. “It’s going to be fine.”

“That’s what my mom keeps saying, but I don’t believe you or her.”

Involuntarily, she glanced at Erica. The other woman’s expression was unreadable, but there was tension in her jaw. Allison didn’t care about Erica being uncomfortable, but Summer was a different matter. She touched the teen’s shoulder.

“We’re going to get through this. Your mom is going to help with the business and I’ll handle the rest.”

Lies, all lies, she thought, hoping she was doing a good job of faking it. Summer was right—she was terrified. She was trapped in a horrible situation with no way out. Every day the news got worse. In a matter of weeks, she was going to be homeless and then she would have a baby. At some point she was going to have to give in to the inevitable and start looking at women’s shelters. And what happened to Jackson when she went into the hospital?

The fear churned in her belly, making her worry that it might be her turn to throw up. She forced herself to breathe, trying to let it go. Once Erica and Summer left, she could freak out, but until then, she had to stay calm.

Summer moved back to the sofa. She wiped her face, then smiled at Jackson. “You feeling okay?”

He grinned at her.

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