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“I don’t know what to say or how to explain.” Allison drew in a breath as she tried to figure out how to talk about what was happening. “I just found out yesterday and it was a shock. I mean I...” She pressed her lips together before blurting, “Peter’s in jail.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “What? No. He can’t be. Your Peter?”

“I know it seems impossible. I can’t believe it myself.” Allison quickly filled her in on the details of the last eighteen or so hours. “I don’t know what to do or who to talk to. I’m scared and Peter and I barely had any time on the phone so it’s all a mess. And with my bank accounts frozen, there’s no money. I can’t even call him to ask what to do. I have to wait for him to call me.”

“Money laundering? What is that? Taking money from crimes and somehow making it legitimate?”

“I guess.” Allison hadn’t thought much about it. “Peter wouldn’t do that. He’s an accountant. His clients trust him. He doesn’t lie. He’s a good husband and father.” The tears returned. “He loves me.”

“You must be so scared. How can I help?”

Allison wanted to ask for a loan, but didn’t think that was a good idea. Liz was her friend but also her boss. That meant there was also a line between them.

“I’m okay. It’s good to just talk about what’s happening. This is so not what I’m used to in my life. I’ve never known anyone arrested.”

“Me, either. You might want to talk to a lawyer.”

Allison nodded because on the surface it was good advice...assuming one ignored the fact that SHE HAD NO MONEY! But she kept the shrieking inside her head, where it was much less scary for her boss.

“I’m thinking that, too,” she murmured with a confidence she didn’t feel. “I need to eat and get back to work. Thanks for listening.”

“Of course. Anytime. And I meant what I said. Let me know if I can help.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Allison returned to the babies. After changing a couple of diapers and feeding one of her charges, she settled in for some serious cuddle time with another. Holding a baby, rocking back and forth, comforted her. After the cuddle session she would start playtime with the infants. They used brightly colored soft toys to encourage them to focus on the object and try to grab it. If they were old enough, there was also supervised tummy time to help with balance and strength in the precrawling stage.

About thirty minutes after her break, Allison saw Liz walking toward her. Her shoulders were set, her expression determined.

“We need to talk.”

Allison returned her charge to his crib. “What’s going on?”

Liz looked around. “Let’s go to my office.”

Allison followed, a knot of worry tightening in her stomach. When they were in the office, Liz shut the door and faced her.

“You can’t work here,” she said flatly.

Allison stared at her. “How can you say that? I’m one of your best people.”

“I know that, but given what’s happening...” She looked away. “If the other members found out about Peter, they wouldn’t like it.” She returned her gaze to Allison. “They wouldn’t want you around their children.”

The unfairness of the statement was like a slap. “But I didn’t do anything wrong. We don’t know that Peter did, either.”

“He’s been arrested and is in jail. We’re talking about people’s children. I’m not willing to risk the business. I don’t mean to be cruel or pile it on, but the truth is I wouldn’t want my kids taken care of by someone so closely connected to a criminal.”

Tears burned, along with a growing sense of unfairness. “He’s not a criminal! It’s all a mistake. I can’t believe you’re doing this. I’m great with the kids.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t have to do this.”

“You don’t have to do it,” Allison said bitterly. “You know me. You’re going to be shorthanded now.”

“I’ll deal with that. I’m sorry, but you need to leave.”

Allison turned away. “This is your idea of helping?”

Liz flinched. “I know it’s awful, but I’m doing my job.”

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