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Allison sat in one of the chairs. “Summer is downstairs with her friends. It’s too quiet.”

“You’re complaining they’re not making noise?”

“There should be music and laughing. Plus they’re probably hungry.”

“It’s eight. They would have eaten dinner before coming over.”

Allison groaned. “Seriously? Teenagers are always hungry.”

Erica looked uncertain. “You’re suggesting I talk to them?”

“You could offer to bring in pizza or something.”

“I don’t want to get in the way.”

“You’re not joining the game. You’re doing the mom thing.”

Erica worried her lower lip. “Summer doesn’t invite her friends over very often. She said when they were younger, it was because I was always at work. Now it’s just a habit. I don’t want to mess up the evening.”

“You won’t. Offer them food and see what happens.”

“Come with me?”

The request surprised her, but Allison nodded. “Of course.”

Together they went downstairs. The teens were talking, but it was still too quiet. The four of them looked up. Summer sat up.

“What’s up, Mom?”

“I wondered if anyone was hungry. We could order pizza.”

“That would be great,” one of the friends said eagerly. “I’m starved.”

“Me, too.”

Summer grinned. “I guess we’re interested.”

Erica pulled out her phone. “Then I’ll place an order. Who wants what?”

There was an intense discussion of toppings, vegetarian versus meat and an extra-cheese debate. In the end Erica ordered four pizzas, a dozen chocolate chip cookies and soda.

“I’ll let you know when they arrive,” Erica said, slipping her phone into her pocket.

“Thanks, Mom.”


Allison turned to leave when one of the teens, Varina, said, “Ms. S, can I ask you a question about waxing?”

Summer groaned and sank onto her back. “No. Ripping out your hair by the roots is not natural.”

“Ancient Egyptians waxed,” Avery said, her tone mild.

“You’re making that up.”

“Maybe but women have been removing hair from their bodies for thousands of years.”

Varina ignored them both. “I want to wax my brows but my mom says I’m too young. Plucking takes forever and it hurts. I’d rather get all the pain over with at once.”

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