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Erica tried to hide her pleasure. Her little girl going to prom. She was thrilled. But all she said was, “That sounds like fun. Are any of your friends going?”

“Portia and Tyra.”

Friends from softball, Erica thought with relief. Summer would have backup if anyone said anything about her dad.

“Sounds like fun. What do you want to do about a dress?”

She asked the question casually, not wanting to push. This was Summer, after all, the teen who didn’t believe in being girlie.

“Go shopping, of course! Mom, it’s prom. I know I’m not into all that, but I have to look killer. Donovan’s ex will be there with her new boyfriend, and the guy I dated for like five minutes is a senior, so he’ll be there. I have to look totally epic. A dress, shoes, hair and makeup.”

Erica kept her body language relaxed. “I’m pretty good at epic. It’s kind of my thing.”

Summer clapped her hands. “Exactly! So the full treatment.” She paused. “Nothing that hurts, though. And I want my hair to stay long. But otherwise, go for it. Highlights, layers, whatever.”

“Self-tanner,” Killion teased.

“All of it.” Summer danced around the kitchen. “They will bow before me and tremble in my company.”

Killion chuckled. “I like your confidence. I know a guy who has a Bentley. Want me to rent it for you and Donovan for the night?”

“No,” Erica said.

“Absolutely,” Summer said at the same time, then spun to face her. “Mom! A Bentley!! It’s not like we’ll be driving it.”

“I don’t want you throwing up in it, either.”

“It’s prom. There won’t be drinking.”

Erica rolled her eyes. “It’s prom. Of course there will be drinking.”

“Well, I won’t. I’m an athlete. At least for now. I promise, we won’t throw up in it.”

Erica thought about mentioning they shouldn’t have sex, either, but didn’t think that conversation should occur in front of Killion. But if Summer was going to start dating, it was definitely time to get her on birth control.

Killion smiled at her. “So yes on the Bentley?”

“I suppose,” Erica said, “only why haven’t you taken me out in it before?”

“I didn’t think you would be impressed by a car.”

“I might be. I don’t know. I’ve never driven in a Bentley.”

He leaned forward and lightly kissed her. “Consider it done.”

Napoleon, Killion’s assistant, and Mara pulled together Allison’s shower in a matter of days. Bouquets of balloons in every shade of pink provided a thematic background. There were stacks of presents, posters of the first ultrasound, a buffet worthy of an upscale wedding reception, a guy doing card tricks and making balloon animals, songs with the word baby in them, and a frothy pink drink made with ginger ale, lemonade and strawberries, which looked disgusting but tasted delicious.

Erica was pleased with the size of the crowd in the large basement rec room. She and Mara had put out the word and people had responded. The softball moms and daughters were there. Liz, the evil boss from the day care center, and the other women Allison had worked with. Emmy from the Bellevue salon, a couple of people Allison had known from her grocery store job. Even Hillary, the only employee to stand by Peter, had come. Killion was the lone man to brave the sea of pink and all the women. As usual, he was totally at ease, talking and laughing as if this was how he always spent a Thursday evening.

Mara had hired a sitter to watch Jackson, so while he was downstairs with everyone and enjoying plenty of attention, someone was ready to whisk him away should he get fussy or need a diaper change.

A little before five, Erica went upstairs. She’d said she would wait for Allison and bring her down as soon as she got home. Her signal to the group would be to turn the stair lights on and off a couple of times, warning them to be quiet and be prepared to shout “Surprise!” Unfortunately the second Allison walked into the kitchen, Erica realized the giant flaw in their plan. Her friend might not want a surprise baby shower.

Allison’s face was blotchy, her eyes red from an obvious bout of tears. She saw Erica and immediately started crying.

“I can’t do this,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “There’s too much change, too much uncertainty. I love Peter and I miss him but I’m so angry at him. He did this to me and Jackson. He broke the law and left his family stranded. I’m totally dependent on you. I work at a job you gave me, live in a house you own. I eat your food.”

She wiped her face. “I’m not saying thank you. I know you don’t like that and I really appreciate everything you’ve done, but I want my life back.”

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