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One that was always busy, Allison thought. She knew that from both the calls she was taking and the number of cars in the parking lot.

“I like the program that helps new employees get established,” she said. Clients who went with someone new got their service at a discount, regardless of the department.

“Erica believes that well-trained employees are happier and clients are more satisfied.”

“You like working for her.”

“I do.” Emmy grinned. “I wanted to beg for the job when I interviewed here three years ago, but I did my best to play it cool. I was coming from another salon. Nothing this big or well-run. Erica has a reputation in the industry. She has high standards, but she treats her employees fairly and pays them well. Just as important, she gives them the tools to succeed.”

“She’s an amazing woman.” One Allison had grown to admire. Not just because Erica had rescued her but because of how she lived her life.

“Are you thinking of switching careers?” Emmy asked.

The unexpected question caught Allison off guard. “What do you mean?”

“You’re interested in the business. I wondered if you’d like to be a part of it.”

She hesitated. “I’ve toyed with the idea,” she admitted. “Not doing hair. I think that’s a bit like being an artist. I don’t know that I have the talent. But I wonder about being an esthetician. Everyone feels so much better after a facial.”

Emmy nodded. “It takes about seven hundred and fifty class hours and eight hundred apprenticeship hours to be licensed in our state. If you’re serious, I can connect you with admissions at the local school we prefer.”

Allison thought about how she didn’t have any money for something like beauty school. Even if she got a scholarship, what would she do with her kids?

“I think I need to have Bethany first,” she said lightly. “Then I’ll look at my options.”

Emmy eyed her huge belly. “I agree. Newborns take precedence. But I would encourage you to think about being an esthetician. You have a good personality for it. You’re friendly, smart and just nurturing enough for clients to feel comfortable.”

The kind words were unexpected. Allison wanted to ask how Emmy could be so sure about her. They barely knew each other. Then she reminded herself to accept the compliment graciously. Having a breakdown would be so awkward for them both.

Erica walked directly from the garage to her mother’s carriage house. Two hours earlier she’d gotten a cryptic Come see me before you go into the house text from Mara.

She knocked once, then opened the front door. “It’s me. What’s going on?”

Her mother walked in from the kitchen, her normally happy expression tight and worried.

“Something’s going on with Summer. When she got home from school, she was upset. She tried to say she was fine, but I don’t believe her. Allison doesn’t know anything, either. We decided not to push and let you deal with it.”

Erica didn’t understand. “She was fine two days ago when we went shopping and yesterday after the game. She was her normal self all evening and this morning at breakfast. Something must have happened at school. I’ll talk to her.”

“It might be nothing.”

Erica shook her head. “Mom, you know your granddaughter. If you’re worried, I’m worried. I’ll let you know what she says.”

She entered the house through the garage, as always. A thousand thoughts—none of them good—swirled through her brain. What could have happened? She didn’t think it had anything to do with a guy and she doubted Summer would be so withdrawn if she’d had a car accident.

“It’s me,” she called, careful to keep her voice cheerful. It was still early and Jackson would be awake.

Sure enough, fast footsteps thumped on the hardwood floor as he flew toward her, arms outstretched.

“Rika! Rika!”

She swooped him up and nuzzled his neck. “How are you, little man? Did you have a wonderful day?”

He giggled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then began to babble about maybe a puzzle or a book.

“Is that what happened? Were you okay with it?”

He beamed at her, then dropped his head to her shoulder. Erica turned to Allison.

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